Eternal Seduction

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Book: Eternal Seduction by Jennifer Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Turner
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy
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glance over the spotless kitchen before returning to Vouclade. “It’s warm in here, there’s food that’s probably never been in a trashcan, and Kerestyan gave me a bed with clean sheets. You may see me as just another homeless person, but that doesn’t mean I’m stupid. For now, my life could be a lot worse.”
    Vouclade unfolded his hands and leaned back in his chair. “You have no intention of running?”
    Logan laughed out loud this time. Truthfully, she’d considered it. But after looking out her window and realizing she was roughly eighty stories above the street, she couldn’t come up with an escape route that didn’t end with her splattering the sidewalk in an array of blood and brain matter.
    Being viewed as a Nouveau piece of artwork by the population of downtown Manhattan wasn’t exactly her first choice of how to spend her final moments.
    She eyed Vouclade when he tapped an impatient thumb against the table. “Why? So Kerestyan can hunt me down? No thanks. Besides, I’ve accepted I don’t have a choice right now. Trust me. I spent a good two hours thinking about how to escape this morning. No matter what I came up with, it all led to something unpleasant or right back to him.”
    Vouclade tipped his head back slightly and stared at her. “And if he chooses to kill you when all is said and done?”
    Logan rolled her eyes. What the hell kind of question was that? “Then I suppose he does. There’s not much I can do about it. He’s bigger than me, stronger than me, and although he comes off all polite and gentlemanly like a politician, he’s probably just as mean and ruthless when he doesn’t get what he wants.”
    It took everything she had not to laugh when Kerestyan immediately stiffened and his eyes narrowed to thin slits. “I take offense to that. I’m not a child. I don’t throw a temper induced fit when denied whatever I set my sights on.”
    She waved a hand at him. “Take all the offense you want. Don’t forget, I’ve seen vampires in action. I’ve watched them get all pissed and freak out when someone does something they don’t like. They get this look in their eyes, this glazed no-one’s-home kind of stare. And I’ve seen it more than once, on one’s from completely different walks of life. So I’m guessing it’s a shared trait. Am I wrong?”
    Kerestyan’s mouth opened, but it was Vouclade’s voice she heard. “No, you’re not wrong. Actually, that’s a very astute observation. Granted, Kerestyan is far older than any of the whelps you’ve come across and it would take much more provocation to elicit that response from him, but he too is susceptible to ‘freaking out’ as you called it.”
    She stretched out her arms and folded them behind her head. “I may not be afraid to die, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go out and try to get myself killed.” She stared between the both of them. “I may be a lot of things, but I’m not suicidal.”
    “You aren’t bothered by being forced to stay here?” Vouclade asked, now watching her with a different kind of intensity. “Having your freedom taken away?”
    “Am I absolutely tickled to be here?” She shrugged a shoulder. “Not really. I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t ask to be introduced to vampires. I didn’t necessarily want to know there are people,” she cocked her head, “do you call yourselves people?”
    For the first time since the interrogation began, Vouclade’s mouth relaxed into a smile. “You can call us whatever you like. We were all human once. Some were far longer ago than others, but we were all human in the beginning.”
    “Okay, well, I didn’t necessarily want to know there were people out there who considered me food. I’d use the meat analogy Odin used on me earlier, but I’m not sure if an animal really knows it’s someone’s food. I, on the other hand, have the mental capacity to feel a little weirded out by the whole thing.” She cast a tentative glance to Kerestyan.

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