Eternal Seduction

Eternal Seduction by Jennifer Turner Page B

Book: Eternal Seduction by Jennifer Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Turner
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy
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“Are you going to eat me?”
    Amusement flashed behind his eyes before he gave a more thoughtful look. “Heroin thins human blood and leaves a rather bitter taste in its wake. In all honesty,” he raised a hand, “and I mean no offense, but it’s not a flavor I particularly care for. Besides, as I told Odin earlier this morning, I never viewed you as food.”
    Logan shivered as a chill skittered up her spine. There was something seriously disconcerting about being referred to as food. “I guess I never thought about what chemicals might do to my blood. But then again, I wasn’t really trying to make myself taste better.”
    Kerestyan laughed a warm sound, which only caused Vouclade to shoot him a nasty glare. “You intend to allow her to continue using that vile substance while she’s in your care?”
    She watched intently as Kerestyan shifted again. Only this time he appeared much more uncomfortable. “If that’s her choice, so be it.”
    Vouclade didn’t look pleased. “And exactly how do you intend to supply the drug for her?”
    Kerestyan glanced around the room before returning to his brother. “I’m fairly certain I’d be viewed as a poor Lord if I didn’t know where and who sold illegal drugs in my city. Besides, if need be, you can provide her with the clean, natural version.”
    Vouclade’s hand smacked hard against the table, sending a small crack spidering across the dark wood. “Absolutely not. If she wishes to fill her body with all manner of putrid substances when she’s on the streets, then so be it. I, however, refuse to be party to what appears to be a very intelligent young woman, murdering herself in small doses.”
    Tired of watching the verbal ping-pong match in which her life was the little plastic ball, Logan leaned forward and jabbed a finger in Vouclade’s direction. “No one has the right to tell me what I can put into my body, but me.”
    “Incorrect,” he snapped. “You relinquished your freedom the moment Kerestyan ushered you into his home. Your life is in Nelek hands now, subject to Nelek whims.” He stood and faced Kerestyan. “ He will not condone it, and you well know that.”
    Logan unfolded her legs and stood as anger bubbled up inside her. “No one needs to condone anything. I’m an adult. If I choose to inject anything into my body, it’s my choice. Not yours, or Kerestyan’s, or anyone else’s for that matter.”
    When Vouclade completely ignored her, as if she hadn’t spent the last half-hour politely answering his rapid fire questions, she started around the table.
    Maybe if she got in his face, he’d be more willing to acknowledge her.
    She was half way around the large table when Kerestyan appeared in front of her, blocking her path. She moved to push past him but winched as his cold fingers clamped around her shoulders. “Let me go, Kerestyan.”
    He stared down at her, concern etched into the faint lines around his eyes she hadn’t noticed before. “I’m sorry, Logan. I can’t do that.” His deep voice took on a soft, calming quality. “At this point, I have to ask that you return to your room.”
    Logan tried to pull away, but when she realized he wasn’t going to let her, she straightened and stared right back at him. “It’s one thing to tell me I’ve seen too much and make me come with you until you decide what to do. I don’t like it, but I know when I’m in over my head…that I can at least accept. It’s another thing to tell me what I can and can’t do with my own body!”
    His fingers tensed, digging even deeper into her shoulders as Vouclade’s voice rose from behind them. “Perhaps one day when you have more respect for yourself, you’ll start treating your body accordingly.”
    She was fairly sure if she had a pissed off gauge, Vouclade had just broken it. “Fuck you!”
    “No thanks, Bones. After God knows how many years on the streets, drugs probably aren’t the only foreign thing you’ve put into your nasty

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