Evan Arden 05 Irrevocable

Evan Arden 05 Irrevocable by Shay Savage Page A

Book: Evan Arden 05 Irrevocable by Shay Savage Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shay Savage
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the other into her bra.
    There are no words spoken as she opens the car door and quickly walks away.
    I have the feeling I’m going to search for her again.

Chapter 4—Stolen Cargo
    “It’s good to have you back, Evan.”
    Lucia places her hand on my back as I crouch next to the Camaro, checking the contents of my duffel bag.  I stand and face her, giving her a half-smile.
    “Thanks,” I say.  “It’s good to be back.”
    “Sorry I didn’t have a chance to talk to you the other day, but I had to run off for an appointment.”
    “That’s all right,” I say.  I had figured she had a date with a manicurist.
    Lucia looks over her shoulder toward Rinaldo and some of his crew.  They’re several yards away, but she leans in closer to me anyway.
    “I feel a lot better knowing you are here, protecting him,” she says.  “Since Mario’s been gone, Daddy’s been through three bodyguards.  None of them made me very comfortable.”
    Mario had been Rinaldo’s personal bodyguard and head of security for many years before he was killed at the beginning of the Chicago mob war.  Replacing a man like him is a difficult task.  It’s not just a matter of being a big dude or having skills with a gun—there’s a lot more to consider.
    “What do you think of Paulie?”
    “He’s still too new.”  Lucia shakes her head.  “That’s part of the problem.  Loyalty like that is cultivated, not bought.  Mario went down saving Daddy.  I can’t see Paulie doing the same, but you…” She runs her hand down my arm and twines our fingers together.  “I know you’d do that for him, wouldn’t you?”
    “Without thought.”  It’s the truth, too.  If there were a gun pointed at Rinaldo, I’d be between him and the gun without consideration for myself.  All of my attention would be on his safety.
    Lucia nods and smiles before leaning in to kiss my cheek.
    “I’ve got to head over to the office,” she tells me.  “Keep him safe, okay?”
    “Maybe we can catch up later, hmm?  Get a drink somewhere?”
    “Yeah, okay.”  I’m not sure what to think of her offer.  Lucia and I have never really hung out socially unless it was with a group of Rinaldo’s people.  Her eyes are indicating something more intimate.
    She’s the boss’s daughter.  Off limits.
    Rinaldo had suggested in the past that he might be inclined to see me with his only recognized offspring but ultimately decided against it.  He knows me too well to want me that close to his daughter.
    Lucia walks away, and I grab my equipment and head up the side of the building.  It’s too damn cold to be out on a rooftop, and the wind is up.  My aim is going to suck if I actually have to shoot someone.  The howling of the wind is also making it difficult to hear the conversation on the radio.
    At least it’s not snowing.
    I’m on high alert, but I feel good.  My head is clear due to Alina’s presence in my bed last night, and I’m in my element, confident in my own abilities.  The cool metal of the Barrett feels so right in my hands, I’m not even wearing gloves.  It’s cold, but I prefer having skin on the trigger.
    I survey the area through the scope and check the flag I’ve posted for the wind speed.  It keeps changing in intensity and direction, and if I need to make a clear shot, I’m going to be screwed.
    I relay this into the radio at my neck.
    “Not expecting problems,” Beni informs me.
    “I’m not relying on your expectations.”  I take a long breath and huff it out.  “Paulie, keep your eyes open.”
    “That is my job.”  His voice crackles with static.
    I focus the scope on Beni.  He has that smug look on his face again, and it makes me want to put a fist through his teeth.  He’s standing tall and alert next to Rinaldo, so at least he’s listening.  I swerve around to view Paulie a few feet away.  He’s staring at the ground.
    “Paulie!  Pay attention!”
    He jerks slightly and glances

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