Evans to Betsy

Evans to Betsy by Rhys Bowen

Book: Evans to Betsy by Rhys Bowen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhys Bowen
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psychic in the States. Anyone who is anyone consults him, y’know. He used to have his own TV show.”
    “No wonder he looks so lovely,” Betsy said as she ducked through into the bar area and popped up close to Emmy. “I said he looked like a film star, didn’t I?”
    “He’s one of the best-known psychics in the world,” Emmy went on. “I’m so happy that he’s agreed to help me with my research. He’s really excited about finding local people with untapped powers. I know it’s going to blow his mind when he meets Betsy tomorrow and feels all of that untapped energy bursting out of her.”

    “I won’t be able to meet him tomorrow,” Betsy said, with a catch in her voice.
    “Don’t tell me you’re chickening out, Betsy?”
    “No, but Harry here won’t let me have the day off. He’s making it hard for me.”
    “She has a job and that comes first,” Harry said. “She’s bloody lucky to find a job around here. Most young people have to move away, don’t they?”
    The American woman touched Betsy’s arm and leaned close to her. “Look, Betsy. If this is going to be a problem, maybe I’ve got a way out. I happen to know that they’re hiring extra help at the Sacred Grove, ready for the summer season. If you like, I could speak to the owners about finding you a job there. Then you’d be on the spot so that we could do further testing and help you to bring out your hidden talents.”
    Betsy’s eyes were shining. “Me, miss? You think they’d hire me down there?”
    “Sure they would. The place is already booking solid for the summer and they need the same kind of staff as a five-star hotel. You’ve already worked in the hospitality industry so you’ve got a head start. Let me ask the owners in the morning and see what they say.”
    “You hear that, Evan?” Betsy looked round at him. “Did you hear what Emmy was saying? She thinks she can get me a job at the place where they’re testing me. Imagine that—me among all the healers and priestesses and everything. You just watch how psychic I get when I’m surrounded by all those good vibrations.”
    “You’re not seriously thinking of leaving Harry and going to work down there with foreigners, are you?” Evans-the-Meat had also overheard the conversation.
    “Why shouldn’t I? Grumpy old man,” Betsy said. “Do you think I haven’t been dying to find something better than this? I’ve got dreams and ambitions, you know. If they’ll have me, I’ll be out of here in the morning and Harry can like it or lump it!”

Chapter 6
    Excerpt from The Way of the Druid, by Rhiannon
    The History of Druidism
    The Druid religion extends back into the mists of time. It is not known whether the Celts brought Druidism with them when they migrated from their homeland around the Black Sea to populate and dominate much of Europe, or whether Druidism evolved only among the western Celts—those in Britain and northern France. It is in those areas that we have found the physical evidence of Druids—the carved statues of the gods, the stones with charms inscribed on them, the priestly torques, the ritual objects placed in wells and lakes.
    It is in Wales and Ireland that we feel their presence most strongly.
    In any case we know that Druidism was flourishing in the British Isles when the Roman armies invaded with Julius Caesar in 55 B.C.E.
    It is also shortsighted to speak of Druidism as being a thing of the past, recently resurrected. In Ireland and Wales, among the true Celts, Druidism has never died out. It has been subdued, Christianized, but it still lurks at the base of every Celtic psyche.
    Druidism has suffered from what today would be described as bad press. The only historical accounts of Druid worship still extant come from Roman sources. The conqueror justifying the act of conquest. Julius Caesar,
Pliny the Younger, and other notable Romans describe the Druids as savage barbarians, prone to unspeakable sacrifices and torture of

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