Even Gods Must Fall

Even Gods Must Fall by Christian Warren Freed

Book: Even Gods Must Fall by Christian Warren Freed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christian Warren Freed
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what the Mages had once represented. Anienam wasn’t convinced whether he’d succeed.
    Malweir grew increasingly dangerous with each new generation. Petty wars sprung up between kingdoms. He often suspected the Dae’shan were pulling strings behind the curtain but never had the numbers to investigate in force. He paused to consider how he’d come to learn of this latest plot threatening them all. Idle in the crumbling libraries at the old Mage citadel, he was visited by a terrible premonition. Darkness approached. Darkness so deep all life on Malweir would be consumed, devoured by eternal rage.
    He’d lost years trying to decipher what the vision meant. Anienam didn’t believe in premonition. Fate pulled or pushed each individual according to a whim. The directness in the message he’d received left him immobile. How could any one person walk the face of the world knowing that the hour of the dark gods’ return was finally at hand? His resulting crisis of faith took him down roads best left unmentioned. He nearly fell along the way, lost to all who truly needed him. The Mages were gone and with them the only capable force with the knowledge to combat the dark gods and the Dae’shan. He was alone. The solitary survivor of a way of life the rest of the world deemed too dangerous. A relic.
    Anienam finally rediscovered his passion on a lone mountaintop high above the world. Dragons had once claimed the peak for their roost, but those days had fallen into dust as well. He hurried back to Ipn Shal to discover all he could of his impending doom. At last, after centuries of aimless wanderings trying to decipher his purpose in life, the last wizard knew what he must do. He attached himself to a merchant caravan and headed north to Delranan to find the forgotten son of kings.
    “Very well. The Dae’shan lend speed to our enemies. It is not that they can unerringly find us, but more they’re being shown which direction we travel. Pointed, if you will, towards us through unflinching desire. Part of me takes heart in this. The Dae’shan have been trying to kill us, especially you, Bahr, from the beginning. I suspect they were already at work on your brother long before we were hired to rescue Maleela from Rogscroft. Deliberate, cunning, those foul creatures manipulated the kingdom and brought war to the north.”
    “For what purpose? What value do I hold in their plans?” Bahr asked. Cold fingers of dread danced over his flesh, as if Lord Death stalked right behind.
    Anienam turned his head. The rag covering his eyes was frayed and ragged. “You are the key to all of this. Your blood holds the power to stop the dark gods, or release them.”
    “I don’t understand. I’m just a man, Anienam. There’s nothing special about me. What could I possibly do to affect these immortal beings?” Bahr protested but deep inside he recognized the truth in those words. He’d felt haunted his entire life. Always running from what might have been, never taking the time to fully embrace what he should have been.
    “But you’re not. You are so much more. I’ve studied the ancient histories. Each of the three nexuses is centered around powerful bloodlines. Yours is the last. The Dae’shan know this. Through your blood they intend to release the power of the Olagath Stone. Thousands of captured souls will tear the fabric between time and space. Their screams will open the gates to our realm of existence and release the dark gods.”
    Skuld, sitting open-mouthed in shock, found the courage to speak. “Why is he headed towards the danger? He should be halfway across the world by now.”
    Anienam smiled softly, quietly approving the youth’s growing sense of understanding. He’d grown much since sneaking aboard the Bane all those months ago. Anienam envisioned a grand future for Skuld. All he needed to do was reach out and claim it.
    “He travels with us because he must. Bahr’s blood is important, yet it also flows within his

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