Ever Shade

Ever Shade by Alexia Purdy

Book: Ever Shade by Alexia Purdy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexia Purdy
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal
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a calming, sleepy effect but only when you smell it. It goes away almost immediately, but it helps calm the nerves. Good to have on hand if you suffer from insomnia, stuffing a few these petals in your pillow keeps you almost sedated. Not an effect you want to have right now, but it will relax you.” He winked and turned, his long hair swaying in the breeze. He walked through the shrubs; he moved gingery and skillfully as only a trained soldier could. Shade followed him almost as if she were in a trance. This world was absolutely amazing so far. She hoped that whatever was out there would be just as thrilling and not terrifying.
    They walked swiftly, dodging bushes and ducking under branches. The woods were brimming with life, with birds chirping, squirrels racing by. The Deer glanced at them as they walked past. Insects buzzed by, they seemed intent on some unknown errands. Shade felt the life around her and it was like warm sunshine, spilling on her like never before. She wondered about that, why did the world seem so different this morning? She didn’t think anything had changed all that much. Maybe this was how the land of Faerie was all the time. She wondered why she hadn’t stumbled upon it before in her life. Maybe it’s because I avoid the outdoors like a plague.
    She observed Soap. He was graceful, dodging things easily and maneuvering around like he was dancing. His body seemed to float around obstacles and trees like a flowing stream of air, rustling by. She wondered again if he was wearing glamour at all. “Soap?”
    “Yes, my lady,” he said as he paused, and looked over his shoulder at her, while winking one of his gleaming green eyes.
    “I was just wondering, why you didn’t remove any glamour before? Like most everyone else, do you wear any? Like Jack? Ilarial said you were part Teleen like him. Wouldn’t you have to wear glamour, like, to not electrocute things?” She pushed a branch back and let it snap back with a crack, while she fired her questions at him.
    Soap slowed and came to a stop, turning slowly towards her and stared intently. “Shade, I am part of what Jack is, I am also a shape shifter, I don’t need glamour to look human. This is me. The way I am. I can shift and look full Teleen like Jack if I wish, or I could change into a bird, lion, wolf, another person or fairy, anything, even...” He paused; he had been moving closer to her while he spoke and now stood very close as he faced her. He bent down slightly, so that if either one of them stepped forward, they would bump faces. “I could even change myself to look like other people, other men or women. Anyone you could think of or want me to be.” She could feel his warmth radiating across the air and over her skin. It was warm and rippling. Her breath was caught in her throat with him so near. He smiled. “Do you want to see?” His eyes widened with a sense of mischief dancing around in them.
    She nodded, hoping she wouldn’t regret that decision. In a flash, the lines around him blurred like a steamy window. Now before her stood a pale young man with jet-black spiky hair, and fair skin. Gleaming blue eyes stared back at her. He was built just like Soap but slightly shorter, and thinner, yet still taller than her. Their eyes were almost level and he stepped even closer, one hand reaching up and stroking her face. Shade felt her heart thud in her chest.
    “I could look like anyone you can dream of. Anyone you could ever want to see.” His lips were mere centimeters from hers. She stepped back, feeling enthralled and woozy. What was going on here?
    Soap lowered his hand, still not changing back. He glowed. “I can use enchantments on anyone, so they will forget who they are or even what they’re doing. You stepped away, why is that? I don’t seem to have absolute power over you, Shade. That’s, very strange.” He continued to look at her, frowning but studying her intensely. Curiosity gleamed in his changed blue

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