Coming of Age,
High Tech,
the wasteland chronicles,
post apocalyptic,
kyle west
He gave each omelet a flip with his spatula. “I’ve only recently learned how to cook eggs. After all, I haven’t tasted a real one until Skyhome.” He smiled. “Don’t see how I’ve gotten on without them.”
“Either way,” I said. “I’m starving.”
Makara and Anna sat at the table, located outside the kitchen in the ship’s galley. The galley was located near the entrance. Gazing outside the kitchen doorway, I could see them both sitting on opposite ends of the table, still looking half-asleep.
“ Hey ,” I said. “Breakfast.”
They got up and walked to the kitchen just as Samuel finished putting an omelet and a piece of toast on four separate plates.
“This might be our last good meal for a while, so I don’t want any leftovers.” He eyed Anna and Makara severely. Both gave him a nonchalant grunt.
We took our food to the table, and ate in silence. Even if no one was talking, it felt good to have the crew together again. I chowed down on the fresh food, washing it down with black coffee. I had taken to the stuff ever since coming to Skyhome, and hoped I wouldn’t have to go too long without it.
While we ate, Samuel reviewed what the day’s agenda was – head south, locate the settlement along the main Imperial road, and camp out until the next morning. Tomorrow, we would follow the road at a distance, scoping it out. If it was safe, we would follow it. If not, we would slog through the wilds all the way to Nova Roma. Hopefully, that didn’t have to happen.
Once finished, Makara and I washed dishes while Anna and Samuel prepped everyone’s gear. By the time Makara and I had put everything away, all our packs were lined neatly by the door.
I checked my Beretta one last time. It was locked and loaded, filled with seventeen rounds of ammunition. I carried two clips on my belt, opposite my combat knife, and had more ammo available in the pack. The pack was stuffed with food, water, and the camping gear we would need when we settled down for the night. My boots were laced, and I had managed to scrounge a headband to keep my lengthening hair out of my face while on the trail.
At last, we stepped outside into the hot morning. Makara shut the door and pressed a few numbers into the keypad. The door clicked itself shut.
“Don’t forget that combo,” I said.
“Oh no,” she said, feigning distress. “I just did.”
“Not funny,” I said.
We got started, heading south through the balmy forest. Samuel took the lead, using nothing more than a compass to strike a course south. Hopefully, no one saw or heard our entrance last night. It was possible that the storm had completely masked our entry.
We entered the first line of trees. At points, the undergrowth grew so thick that Anna had to use her beloved katana to cut it down. She was strong and fit, but even she could not keep that up forever. After an hour, we had only gone about a mile.
At midday, we paused for a quick lunch of chicken sandwiches before moving on again. The day that had begun warm was now sweltering. It must have been in the nineties. It was hard to believe it was wintertime. In California, it was probably well below freezing. Even if Mexico was farther south, something just didn’t feel right about this heat.
At last, the jungle broke, revealing a stream that ran quick and silvery over smooth stones. Green moss grew on its banks, soft under our feet. The stream veered south. Since that was the direction we were headed, we decided to splash through the water and follow its course. Our speed easily increased by a factor of two.
The thick canopy of green cast verdant shadows on the forest floor, lighting meadows and trees with an emerald hue. Bugs flew in giant clouds. Mosquitoes bit as we passed a bog. It was my first time to be bitten by one, and it was a shame Ragnarok couldn’t have taken care of them, too. My sweat clung to my shirt, and still, we pressed on. As the stream deepened, we were forced to the side. Thin
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