The Knight of Her Dreams (Dragons and Dreamphasers)

The Knight of Her Dreams (Dragons and Dreamphasers) by Jen Robyn

Book: The Knight of Her Dreams (Dragons and Dreamphasers) by Jen Robyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen Robyn
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her, but Dominick was instantly beside her, his arms
cradling her close against him, making her feel like she was floating.  His
caresses were so warm and soothing against the fabric of the gown that seemed
to just lightly cover her skin.  And his kisses set her whole being afire.
    When he finally pulled back to gaze at her, his
eyes were tender.
    “Julianna… how could any man be unmoved by you?”
he murmured.
    She smiled, a slight laugh bubbling up which
earned his curiosity.  “Not so yourself, sir,” she told him lightly.
    He echoed the smile back into her eyes, amusement
lighting his features, despite the raggedness of his breathing.  “Even with the
fires of passion kindled between us, am I to be reduced to remaining
forevermore ‘Sir’ to you?”  She laughed again, before a more serious smile
stole through.
    “Dominick,” she amended.  “Or would Sir Dominick
suit you better?”
    “Ah, back to playing the knight in shining armor,
am I?”
    “Perhaps.  Although armor is cold, whereas you
certainly are not,” she said teasingly.  “I think you should stick to the title
of knight and forget the rest.”
    “And are you to be the damsel in distress?”
    “Hmmm, I’d rather be just a damsel in this
dress.  But you seem warm enough to play the part of the dragon.”
    “What an interesting idea,” he replied, growling
in a deep voice as he kissed her neck.
    She gave a quick squeak of laughter, just before
he returned more serious attention to kissing her mouth again.  Julianna barely
managed to stifle the urge to laugh again upon thinking of how silly it would
seem for the dragon to be kissing the damsel.
    He quickly saw to replacing her amusement with
desire, his arms’ hold on her waist tightening while his other hand edged the
gown off one shoulder.  Her breathing quickened as he kissed her bare skin
there, the feeling sending her pulse racing.
    “Julianna... my dear sweet Julianna,” he
murmured, his voice little more than a whisper against her cheek as he kissed
her again.
    She smiled against him, even as she suddenly felt
an odd cottony sensation pulling her senses away.  Her eyes expressed
apprehension as her vision of Dominick became strangely blurred, growing
steadily worse.
    “Dominick, what...?” she gasped suddenly,
clutching him fiercely, her eyes questioning him.  If his expression held an
answer, it was lost to her due to a sudden brightness obscuring her vision.
    The last thing she felt was his grip tightening
on her, while his voice shouted out her name, nearly in desperation, “ Julianna! ”
    Her eyes popped open, and she
found herself alone again in the darkness of her room, where the sun’s rays
were now burning it away.  Rays that had been resting on her eyelids long
enough to wake her.
    “ What? ” she gasped, bolting upright.
    The sound of birds chirping outside was her only
    “It was all a dream?” she whispered in disbelief,
not disregarding her strangely racing heart.  After blinking a few times at the
sunlight, she brushed a hand against her mouth tentatively.  She could almost feel the memory of Dominick’s kisses, and that alone seemed very strange, since it
was all an illusion.  One that certainly seemed real moments ago, yet...
    It was just a dream.
    Of course this was just as well, she supposed,
since she could now remember quite vividly the last part of her dream where
she’d wantonly given herself up freely to Dominick’s warm embrace.  If she
hadn’t woke up when she did, they might have...
    Yes, they ‘might have’ indeed!
    “Damn,” she murmured regretfully.

Chapter Three
    “Damn!” echoed the frustrated
Dominick, upon returning to his own realm.  After an ensuing set of angry
curses, he wasn’t too surprised to hear the familiar mocking laughter of his
annoying elder brother.  Glancing over to the far wall of his room, his eyes
narrowed.  “I’ll thank you to keep your amusement to a minimum,

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