Ex, Why, and Me

Ex, Why, and Me by Susanna Carr Page A

Book: Ex, Why, and Me by Susanna Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susanna Carr
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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looked like when Homer and Ida attended.”
    “I don’t like the sounds of this,” Michelle muttered.
    “No talking, Michelle,” Dr. Fielding said sternly as she picked up a color photo of building blocks. “And this picture is what you’re supposed to build using the materials we are providing.”
    Michelle stared at the pile of miniature building material until the primary colors blurred. She was in trouble. Big trouble.
    “I’m giving you three minutes to look over the picture before I take it away. No constructing at this time. Understood?”
    Michelle nodded automatically. Dr. Fielding didn’t have to worry about her. She wasn’t going to attempt constructing any time soon.
    “You may begin”—the principal looked at her watch—“now.”
    Michelle grabbed the picture and studied it closely. As if her life depended on it. Her fingers pinched the photo, creasing the paper.
    She stared at the picture and then looked at the building pieces laid out. As far as she was concerned, none of it matched. Had they given her the right picture?
    The panic began to rise. She didn’t know what was wrong with her. Whenever a challenge was thrown her way, she rose to the occasion. Every time. But records were made to be broken and this scavenger hunt might be her downfall. “We are screwed.”
    “Ssh. If Doris hears you, she’ll put you in the corner,” Ryan whispered. “And since I’m supposed to go where you go, guess where that puts me. In the corner.”
    “I’m serious,” Michelle said in a hiss. “I suck at this kind of thing.”
    “Then it’s good you brought me along.”
    “You can do this?” The picture rattled in her hand.
    “Definitely. Blindfolded and with one arm tied behind my back.”
    Michelle rolled her eyes. “You don’t need to rub it in,” she said as the relief coursed through her.
    They heard the clatter of footsteps. Michelle looked up and saw Brandy and Clayton hurrying down the basement stairs. It was a struggle, but Michelle contained her surprise. “How did they get here so fast?” she whispered fiercely to Ryan.
    He shrugged. “You said yourself that Clayton is a genius.”
    True, but having Brandy as his partner should have negated the intelligence factor. “I think they followed us.”
    “Which would be a genius move.”
    The principal appeared before them and snatched the picture out of Michelle’s hand. “Time’s up. Follow me.” She scooped the building pieces in a plastic tray and motioned them to another door.
    “Take this. You have to go into this room and build the replica of the Benjamin Franklin Public School.” She ushered them inside the dank, windowless room. Michelle looked around and decided it had to be a custodian’s office. It was small, cramped, with nothing but a rickety desk and chair.
    “When you think you have done it properly, knock on the door and we will view your work,” Dr. Fielding instructed. “If it’s not done exactly as the picture, then you will return to this room until it’s done.”
    Okay, fine. Michelle was more than happy to hand this assignment over to Ryan. Let him be in charge. She would hand him the pieces. She could do that.
    “I forgot one thing,” the older woman said. “Are either of you afraid of the dark?”
    Warning trickled down her spine. “No,” Michelle said. She looked at Ryan, who slowly shook his head. “Why?”
    “Because the scavenger hunt organizers want you to build the replica in the dark, so we took out the lightbulb.” Dr. Fielding flipped the switches, but the lights didn’t go on.
    Michelle’s jaw dropped. “Are you kidding me?”
    “No, I never kid.” The principal grasped the doorknob. “Best of luck.”
    Michelle stared as the woman closed the door with a firm click. She watched, disbelieving, as the door snuffed out the last beam of light. She was stuck in a tiny, pitch-black room. With Ryan.

Chapter 4
    Ryan blinked hard, but he couldn’t see anything in the room except for

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