Exclusive Love (British Billionaires Series)

Exclusive Love (British Billionaires Series) by Sorell Oates

Book: Exclusive Love (British Billionaires Series) by Sorell Oates Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sorell Oates
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her mattered. Oscar was glad. He wanted it to matter. More and more he was beginning to feel as if he wanted to matter to her.
    ‘Do you not remember this from early this morning? I got you in my car. You told me you had medication to take for the headache and that you’d be sleepy afterward but it was effective. With your permission I brought you here. The dress would’ve been uncomfortable in bed. You wouldn’t have had clothes to wear home.
    I offered you my shirt. I helped undress you—zips and buttons only—and you threw on the shirt and went to bed. Woke up a few hours later took the other tablet. Now here we are.’
    ‘Do I want to know how my bra ended up on the floor?’
    ‘Apparently it was a specific bra with a specific function.’
    ‘They’re called Wonder-Bras’
    ‘Yes. Evidently they’re quite uncomfortable. You insisted showing me your trick of how you could remove your bra without removing your shirt. It ranks right up there in my top three impressive feats.’
    Katy scoffed at the sarcasm.
    ‘I take it you’ve not experienced a lot of magicians and illusionists in the course of entertainment.’
    ‘I might have made more of an effort to if I knew the climax was going to be discarding a bra from the t-shirt. Sadly. the majority of magicians I’m familiar with from TV don’t have your cleavage to warrant performing that treat,’ he said ruefully.
    ‘It’s a male-dominated industry. It’s why my bra trick is a show stopper.’
    ‘I won’t disagree with you there.’
    ‘Makes a change,’ she replied flippantly.
    ‘I am glad you stayed for breakfast,’ said Oscar seriously. ‘I had an inkling you’d be excellent company. I’d intended to take you on to dinner. I hope this compensates somewhat given your illness last night.’
          Swallowing hard, Katy found herself not wanting his talk to be idle or insincere. Responding with thought and sincerity, she took a minute to compose herself. Irrespective of his boyish charm and youthful looks he was twelve years her senior. His hazardous sleep, the stubble shadowing his jaw line only accentuated his masculinity and age. Thanks to his wealth, opening doors Katy would never have the key to, she knew he was eons ahead of her in terms of life experience.
          The conversation was flowing. She hoped the attraction was mutual, but with vastly differing lifestyles did they  have any realistic chance of actually becoming a couple? Could a connection overcome the polar opposite lives they led? Remnants of the date flashed through her mind. In particular she was struck by her decision to make Oscar her training date, because she hadn’t perfected her story or ability to blend with the upper classes. Joking or not, his comment alluding that she wasn’t a ‘lady’ alerted her to the fact that Oscar could see through any facade she presented.
    ‘I’m glad you changed your mind. I could’ve sworn you were a man on death row preparing to walk the final mile to the electric chair, when I plonked down in the armchair by the fireplace.’
    ‘That’s not a million miles from the truth,’ he admitted.
    ‘I felt the same, but I’m glad you didn’t judge me on first impressions. Breakfast with you has been a wonderful start to a day, given the sudden halt in proceedings yesterday. We can both walk away knowing our meeting wasn’t a complete waste.’
    ‘Don’t judge me too harshly, Katherine. I might have put my foot in my mouth for the main part, but I’m not a bad guy. I thought I wanted someone frivolous and disposable, I was honest about that. If you meet someone you click with I think it’d be a huge mistake to let pride or prior plans prevent you from following up on that someone, if they’re right for you.’
          ‘Haven’t you ever heard the saying right person, wrong time?’
    ‘I have but I don’t buy it. If it really is the right person, you’ll make it the right time,’ insisted Oscar.

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