Fabric of Sin
inexact science, deliverance. Well, not a science at all, obviously …
    ‘Everybody lives in fear nowadays,’ Huw said. ‘Way things are going, deliverance itself could be C of E history in a year or two.’
    ‘And what would
do, Huw, if we all got the elbow?’
    ‘I’d retire, lass. Take the pension, rent a little shack at the rough end of Sennybridge, with a back yard and a bog, and carry on with the job. No bureaucracy, no politics, no farcical PC synods. Just me and the naked cross.’
    ‘Talking of which … Canon Dobbs.’
    ‘Old bugger’s dead.’
    ‘Sophie’s given me a collection of news cuttings he kept about the Prince of Wales and the Church and other connections. Why would Dobbs keep a royal scrapbook?’
    ‘Traditionalist of the first order, Dobbs. Happen
’d started to notice the lad spreading his favours. I wouldn’t worry about it. Concentrate on covering your own arse.’
    ‘And your specific advice, as my spiritual director, would be …?’
    ‘Keep all your cards on the table, face up.’
    Merrily shook out a Silk Cut.
    ‘Stage one: find the former owners of this hovel and see what kind of
history it’s got. Forget the White Lady and the Phantom Stagecoach. The home movies you can do without.’
    Home movies
: Huw’s latest euphemism for place-memories and trapped events that repeated themselves.
    ‘And then … if it’s just what the girl claims she saw and there’s nowt blindingly obvious from the last few years, Stage Two would be to set up a low-key house-blessing for a specific date. Being careful, mind, to invite the local incumbent.’
    ‘There isn’t one. A retired guy’s holding the fort.’
    ‘He’ll do. Also, you want at least one member of the family – the folks who flogged the place off to the Duchy, plus, if possible, someone from the family as owned it before. For many generations, you said?’
    ‘So I’m told.’
    ‘That would help, then. And finally – this is important – you must formally request the presence of an official of the Duchy of Cornwall. The higher up the better.’
    ‘Wow.’ Merrily sat back, lit her cigarette. ‘Smart.’
    ‘That way, you’ve acquitted yourself in full view, and they’re all involved – all implicated.’
    It wouldn’t be, of course. It was never that easy.
    ‘And what do you do after that?’ Huw said.
    ‘I don’t know. What do I do after that, boss?’
    ‘You bugger off out of it just as fast as your cute little legs will carry you.’
    ‘What about the woman? Fuchsia. Aftercare?’
    ‘Oh, aye.’
    There was a lengthy, meditative silence. She imagined him staring down at his peeling slippers, their rubber soles smoking on the edge of the hearth.
    ‘You do need to separate it,’ he said eventually. ‘If there’s nowt particularly to support it at the house, you most likely
looking at a different problem. You said she was orphaned?’
    ‘Abandoned. She’s certainly had personal problems. Maybe the house brought something to a head?’
    ‘Possible. How was the blessing?’
    ‘Curious. There wasn’t the normal sense of relief afterwards. In fact, she looked up, as if something might have followed us into the church. Said something like,
is something coming?
Something like that. And laughed. I mean, it’s always a problem, isn’t it? You can never be quite sure when somebody’s winding you up.’
    ‘Happen include her in your prayers when you do the cleansing. Something moving around under the carpet, was that what you said?’
    ‘Dust sheets. I suppose a shrink would be talking about demons in her past that she’s covered up. Perhaps she just has a Gothic imagination: the wriggling under the sheets, the face of crumpled linen. She’s also obviously read a fair amount about healing and deliverance, because she knew exactly what she—’
    ‘Hang on … Gimme that again, lass.’
    ‘Crumpled linen. A
of crumpled

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