Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2

Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2 by Dakota Lake

Book: Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2 by Dakota Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dakota Lake
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mad and the dreams were just the start of it.
The bracelet Mack had mentioned popped into my head. I turned back around and opened the small
jewellery box where I had put it last. I picked it up and let it dangle down looking at it. A silver
chain with black stones that glistened in the light. Mack had said this was how Cam finds me.
When I woke up from my coma this was the only piece of jewellery I had on. I soon took it off and
put it away as it looked old and I didn't want to ruin it or lose it, so I stopped wearing it completely.
I dropped it back into the box and shut the lid. Mack had said I had grown up with a brother called
Seth and my mother. Cam had told me differently. Who was I to believe Cam who looked after me
and provided everything for me or the stranger from my dreams that seemed to know more about
me than I did. Someone was lying to me and I had a gut feeling it was Cam. If that was the case,
was Cam really making me forget my past? Why would he do something like that? More to the
point how would he do something like that?
I walked over to my bookcase and picked up my geometry book there was still some unfinished
homework I needed to get done before I saw Grayson tomorrow and I needed to do something to
distract myself from the one million random thoughts I was having.
I took my homework and went back to the main staircase and walked up halfway and sat down. I
would be able to see if Senka came back and I would get my homework done at the same time. I
could see a grandfather clock from where I was sitting, the manor house had them scattered
everywhere it got really noisy each hour when all the clocks chimed together. The clock had just
chimed for nine o'clock. I could hear voices down below, I scooted across the step and looked
through the railings. I could see Alex and a few others but no Senka. I looked back at my homework
and finished off what I was doing.
The others passed me but Alex stopped and sat on the step next to me.
“Oooo geometry, that looks about as boring as Hell.” he said picking up the textbook and looking at
the cover. “He's not coming back tonight, he had to stay on.” he added placing the book back on the
I nodded, trying not to look as sad as I felt. Alex stood up and patted me on the shoulder before
walking up the steps.
I dropped my finished homework off in my bedroom and wondered down to the first floor. The
manor had a very large library full of all sorts of books, fiction, non fiction, cooking books you
name it, it had it. I had spent many hours in there reading fiction novels and looking through a very
large animal encyclopedia book which also had pictures. Non of the pictures matched the things I
saw outside in the gardens though.
The library was dark and the main lights were off. I quickly flicked the switch on. It was moments
like that when I panicked. The manor took on a creepy appearance when it was dark.
The servants only stood in the corridors until ten each evening then the corridors became deserted
apart from the servant/guard posted outside the elevator door and the one at the main front door,
those doors were rarely unattended.
It was the main reason I went upstairs. The third floor was noisy and there was always someone
around at anytime of the night, it was as though they didn't sleep up there. I would lay in bed some
nights and just listen to the music from above it was crystal clear some nights depending on how
loud they had it turned up.
I had also spent many evenings with Kenzie. He lived in one of the cottages outside. It was a three
storey cottage with five bedrooms, three upstairs and two small attic rooms. Kenzie had an attic
room opposite Roman's room. Tallen, Ryu and Shasta were on the first floor. I always felt a bit
awkward when I was around the others. Shasta didn't say much to me, Roman was always friendly
and had a smile for me. Tallen was polite but didn't say much and Ryu who I don't think had ever
spoken to me. Kenzie and I

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