Fae Dominance
before bending over the king’s lap to begin lapping at his crown.
    Oberon must have read my mind because he smirked at the pun. Two, as I had named the second twin, licked her way down his cock and set to work on his balls. She reached up and tugged the loose skin taut before tonguing her way along the seam in the middle.
    My own balls drew up watching them and I was suddenly imaging a mouth doing the same to me. Robin and I watched the performance avidly. Unconsciously I had begun to caress Robin. My hands slid down his sides to his hips, where he nestled against me, back to chest. It was more arousing than the girls blowing the king.
    I thrust my hips against his back and pulled him tighter, securing him in my arms and nuzzling his neck. He let his hands settle on top of mine and tilted his head to allow me better access.
    A muffled moan drew our attention back to the trio beside us. Oberon had stood and turned slightly so he was facing us. The wicked glint in his eye proved he wanted to put on a show.
    The girls kissed each other around his pole and their lips met to suckle each side of his erection. Oberon reached down grabbing a hand full of each girl’s hair before fisting it in a tight grip. He pulled them closer together then began to fuck their mouths as if they were an open-ended pussy.
    The head of his dick would disappear into the wet recess of the tongue twisting girls' mouths before emerging again shiny with their saliva and his own pre-cum.
    We watched a few minutes more before Oberon changed pace. He discarded his clothes and picked up number one. Bending her over, he slid the head of his erection over her weeping center. Number two effortlessly slid under number one and wormed her way between their legs. She was a greedy little thing and was licking away at whatever her hungry little mouth could reach.
    Number one tried her best to remain still, but number two knew what she was doing and had her pseudo twin wiggling in want. Oberon was clearly enjoying himself, as two was busy rolling his balls in her dainty little hands while she worked.
    He held up a hand and the hall once again fell silent. Most were watching the show with avid interest, many had their gaze on us, and a few were indulging in their own fun.
    However, all stilled when the king called for attention. Oberon looked directly at us and with a wink threw the entire Light Fae realm into chaos.
    “My people, today is a day of celebration! Our beloved Puck has mated. He has formed the ancient joining bonds with his female and the bonds between his male mates are growing ever stronger. I have a decree,” he paused.
    Gasps rang out throughout the room. I assumed this was not something that happened often.
    “As a gift to my most loyal servant, I grant a boon. I will release my power across the land, as I have not done before. With any luck and blessing from Danu, this happy occurrence will bear fruit.”
    Silence fell more absolute than I had ever heard as the many in the room took in what this meant. Whispers finally rose as the reality sunk in and a roar of gratitude and hope rose in a wave of praise.
    All around us, mated couples began to rip apart their clothes, falling to the ground to make love where they lay. Others folded out without a word looking for loved ones, while others still searched for anyone willing to attempt the miracle of life.
    Even the guards abandoned their posts in hopes of procreation. Oberon looked down gently at the twins.
    “My beauties, I will not be joining this attempt. If you want a chance of a child, you will want to find another. I will not hold it against you.”
    Number two nodded shyly and folded from underneath them. Number one shook her head in the negative before answering in an angelic voice.
    “It is an offer beyond belief, my King. But I have been blessed enough already to bear a child. I will stay with you and lend my strength to the spell if you would have it?”
    Oberon’s lips rose in a true

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