Fall of kNight

Fall of kNight by T. L. Mitchell Page B

Book: Fall of kNight by T. L. Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. L. Mitchell
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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Thank goodness my father gave Thomas temporary power of attorney to handle all the legal matters as well as financial ones until I understood what I was doing. Thomas did a great job setting up the new bank accounts and having my name added to each account.
    I looked up as Daniel appeared in the doorway. My emotions had stabilized, no more tears. I had even let go of the breakfast incident.
    “I am running over to the office this morning. I want to see if I can find any computer files that may give me a little more information on Miller‟s project,” he stated, as he had my full attention.
    “Did you find anything?”
    “Nothing more than what we already know. Brendan Phillips may be our only link to find out more. I will see if I can track him down. Hopefully before something happens to him and the Department of Defense starts climbing all over our ass.”
    “Daniel, we‟re not connected to any of Dr. Miller‟s work. Why would they even trace it back to us? DalMar rejected his proposal,” I reminded him.
    “Yes, I know. But, there is still some slight chance they would link his research to DalMar. I cannot take that chance. I will be back home in a few hours,” he said as he dashed away out of sight.
    Why was he so worried about DalMar? Could Daniel‟s research actually be linked to Dr. Miller‟s? Then the thought occurred to me, Daniel never really told me where he obtained the DNA he used for his research. It was something I was going to look into the first chance I had. For right now, I had reports to finish.
    It couldn‟t have been more than a few minutes, thirty or so at the most, after Daniel left, that the doorbell rang. It was probably Charlotte coming over to bring muffins because Daniel and I didn‟t make it over for breakfast. I pushed myself back from the computer, and headed out of the office door.
    As I made my way into the living room, I glanced up and my heart froze in my chest. It was Richard. I swallowed hard and pushed myself toward the front door.
    Through the glass, I could see him clearly in the daylight. He was so damn breathtakingly beautiful. It made no sense to me how one person could be so utterly gorgeous, even if he was a vampire.
    When he caught sight of me, I watched as he slowly removed his sunglasses. I was already stunned to see him standing in front of the door with black jeans and a dark grey sweater. The sleeves were pulled up to his elbows, showing off the paleness of his skin.
    My thoughts were shaken as I allowed my eyes to travel over his seemingly well-built body. His sexy appearance was enhanced by the way he combed his sandy blonde hair straight back. My heart fluttered again as I watched his lips curl into a smile. I guess it wouldn‟t have been so bad if I hadn‟t expected the worst out of him. My dream still lingered in my mind, flashing before me as I made my way to the door.
    Hesitantly, I grabbed the door handle and opened it. What on earth did he want? I inhaled a deep breath, preparing myself the best I could. No mishaps this time. I was sure of it. If indeed this vampire had me on his menu, I would at least be prepared to defend myself.
    “Hello.” I managed cordially.
    Richard‟s gaze roved over me then his eyes settled back to mine. “Hello, Julie. I hope I‟m not disturbing you.”
    My heart raced, and the palms of my hands beaded with sweat. The muscles inside my body trembled at the sound of his deep alluring voice. I wasn‟t sure if it was the smoothness of the tones, or the luxurious way he spoke my name. Either way, it was very sultry and sexy. His voice had an odd effect on me, one of which made me uncomfortable. The sound of his voice sang melodies to my soul, reaching deep inside of me. It called out and awakened something deep within me. Just being in his presence evoked a certain desire within me. There was an uncontrollably alluring aura surrounding him. It drew me to him like a moth to a flame.
    “A-a-actually,” I stuttered. “I

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