Fall of kNight

Fall of kNight by T. L. Mitchell

Book: Fall of kNight by T. L. Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. L. Mitchell
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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vague shadows hidden in the darkness behind the trees drew my full attention. What lurked in those dark shadows? Werewolves?
    Vampires? I wondered. It may even be part of our own clan. The ones that waited patiently, looking for some sign of weakness to attack at just the right moment. I could only hope not.
    Lycans were the protectors of man, the human race. At least, this is what I had been told. Who could have the strength to protect us from ourselves? If this civil war was as bad as Thomas feared, then we were all in danger. I shifted in the seat slightly, nervously contemplating our danger. Maybe the only ones who were safe were the humans.
    “I think tomorrow,” Daniel broke the silence, “I am going to give Jason and Heather a call.”
    Jason and Heather McLaughlin were our Lycan friends from Scotland. They were not Scottish. Actually, Jason was a purebred Irish pup. I shook my head as I reflected on our first battle together. Jason walked out onto the patio where Daniel and I had been waiting for them. He was dressed in a full Irish kilt, complete with face paint. It was all I could manage to hold back a laugh. Daniel even asked his dear friend if he was going to make us watch him sacrifice an animal, and drink its blood before the battle. Jason, stood squarely on his feet, adjusted his kilt and raised one eyebrow. With a sly grin on his face, he announced we would not have to witness such an event. However, he reminded us we might have to watch as he danced naked around the fire. I did miss them.
    Heather was a petite woman, who, at no more than five-foot four, dragged me away from Daniel during that moment I dared only to remember. If it had not been for them being with us, we probably would have killed one another that night. Not in the angry way. Our passion exploded on a level beyond rage. I trembled slightly at the memory. Daniel and I had become cautious ever since, controlling our passions. We learned how to control our full desires, being satisfied for the moment with our intimacy. However, there were deep desires that still raged inside of us both.
    Daniel pulled the car to the front of our house. I stepped out and walked to the front door, pausing as I waited for Daniel. He moved up beside me, and we walked into the house together. He closed the door behind us as usual and promptly locked it. It was a full night, and I was exhausted mentally and physically. All I really wanted to do was have a good night‟s sleep. I hoped that my dreams would be good ones, ones that did not include Richard.

    It was Sunday morning. Our weekend mornings typically started the same.
    Showering, dressing and a trip to Charlotte‟s for breakfast, the same routine as yesterday. However, this morning was a little different. Daniel called his mother and informed her that we wouldn‟t be coming over for breakfast. He wanted to stay home and work on researching Miller‟s project, looking for any clues that might lead to his speculations concerning the werewolves.

    Despite my lack of skill in the kitchen, I managed to pull together a satisfactory breakfast for my wolf man. A steak and cheese omelet with semi burnt toast. So I wasn‟t the best when it came to toast. At least the omelet turned out pretty good even with scorched marks of its own. One would think because I owned a kitchen built for a chef, I would learn how to cook. One would think, that is.
    My father was particularly fond of a well cooked meal. He was a great cook, when he wanted. I remember as a child he mentioned to me the kitchen was designed by my mother. It was my father‟s gift to her. The 64-inch large gas/electric double oven stainless steel stove, a built in total refrigerator were all complemented by a built in freezer. Everything in the large kitchen was stainless steel, something he thought would look appropriate. I suppose he was right. The black countertops over the ginger stained wood cabinetry were set apart from other kitchens. Not

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