Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel by Patricia Puddle Page B

Book: Fallen Angel by Patricia Puddle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Puddle
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you to the medical
    Eloise scrunched her face
up. “I’m not going anywhere. I can’t even stand up to go to the
    Nathaniel gazed down at
her. This didn’t look good and her father was away with his work
again. He’d seen wards with symptoms like this before and it turned
out they had appendicitis. He prayed Madeline would get Eloise to
the hospital for tests because if she did have appendicitis, her
appendix could burst. Looking at Madeline, he zapped a message into
her mind to prompt her to call for an ambulance.
    She patted Eloise’s
shoulder. “I’ll bring you some painkillers, honey, then I’ll call
the doctor and make an appointment for you.”
    Nathaniel shook his head
in despair. What was wrong with the woman? Why didn’t she just call
for an ambulance?
    Eloise held her side and
groaned. “Please hurry, the pain is really bad. There’s something
wrong with my stomach, Mum.”
    “ Oh dear.”
Madeline rubbed her chin. “Listen, I’ll bring you some medication,
then I’ll phone for an ambulance.”
    As she rushed out the
door, Nathaniel glanced at the ceiling. Thank goodness she’d
finally listened, but he wished she’d call the hospital before
administering pills to her daughter.
    Rushing back in, Madeline
handed two pills and a glass of juice to Eloise. “Here, baby, take
these with a cookie. It will help the medicine go down. The
ambulance is on its way.”
    After swallowing the
tablets with the juice, Eloise nibbled on a sweet biscuit, then
laid back on her pillow. “I hope those tablets work soon because
the pain is getting worse.”
    “ Just hang in
there, sweetie. The ambulance will be here in ten
    “ Thanks, Mum.
You’ll come with me, won’t you?”
    “ Of course,
honey.” Madeline wiped Eloise’s face with a damp washcloth. “I’d
better hurry and get dressed so I can follow in the car.” As she
rushed out the door, Nathaniel sighed with relief. At least Eloise
would get the best treatment at Creed Valley Hospital.
    As Eloise curled up in
her bed, Nathaniel paced the room and peered out of the window, but
there was no sign of the ambulance. After fifteen minutes, he
sighed with relief when it pulled into the driveway. When Madeline
opened the front door, two burly paramedics rushed in with a
    “ Where’s the
patient?” asked the older one.
    “ She’s in
there,” said Madeline, pointing to Eloise’s bedroom. “Please hurry.
She’s is in excruciating pain.”
    “ She’ll be
right,” said the younger man. “We’ll have her at the hospital in no
    After checking Eloise’s
blood pressure and temperature, and getting all her medical
information, the medics fastened Eloise onto the
    “ I’m sorry,”
said the older man. “I know it hurts with movement, but we’ll be at
the hospital soon.”
    As soon as the paramedics
had secured Eloise into the ambulance, Nathaniel hopped in next to
her. The young medic climbed into the driver’s seat and the older
one sat in the back with Eloise.
    “ Don’t
worry,” he said. “We’ll go slowly so you don’t get bumped about too
    “ That’s
impossible on these bumpy roads,” groaned Eloise. “It hurts more
when I move.”
    “ It won’t be
long,” he said, checking her blood pressure again.
    Her face looked quite
pink and Nathaniel guessed she had a raging temperature, but she
was still shivering as if she had a chill. As the paramedic wrapped
a blanket over her, she held her stomach and groaned. “I feel
    As they rumbled out the
driveway, the medic gave her a bowl. “Don’t worry. We’ll be on the
highway in a minute, then we’ll have a smoother run.”
    “ Is my mother
    The driver glanced out
the rear vision mirror. “Yep, she’s right behind us.”
    Nathaniel sent comforting
messages to Eloise, but as he watched her suffer, he wished he was
able to physically communicate with her to put her mind at ease.

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