Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel by Patricia Puddle

Book: Fallen Angel by Patricia Puddle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Puddle
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around him. “Cat got your
tongue?” he said, his eyes bright with excitement.
    Nathaniel held his stare.
He had no fears about using his sword if he had to, and he was sure
he could beat him.
    “ Well?”
Devlin pointed at the house. “I’ve changed my mind about rehab.
I’ll have Eloise back instead.”
    “ I might have
guessed you would go back on your promise. Well, I’m not interested
in your childish threats. I won’t be giving Eloise back to you, not
now, not ever!”
    Devlin grabbed
Nathaniel’s shirt, yanking him towards him until their faces were
only inches apart. “Understand this, my friend. I’ll watch over
Eloise, with or without your permission.”
    “ Is that
right?” Nathaniel shoved him hard, sending him stumbling backwards.
“Don’t mess with me, Devlin. You know what I’m capable of.” He
strode towards him and shook his fist. “If you go anywhere near
Eloise, I’ll personally burn your wings off.”
    Devlin scrambled to his
feet and leapt in front of him. “What you’re capable of?
You’re no challenge to me, Nathaniel. You’re nothing but an
underhanded, gutless hypocrite. And you’d never have the nerve to
burn my wings off.”
    As Nathaniel gripped the
handle of his sword, a whirlwind of mist swirled around him. “Go
ahead, try me and see.”
    Whipping out his blade,
Devlin danced backwards. “You can hide behind you stupid aura all
you want, ‘Angel of Frigging Fire’ , but believe me, I will
cut you into a million little pieces.”
    Orange flames erupted
around Nathaniel’s feet as his aura exploded with his fury. There
was no turning back now.
    Leaping forward, Devlin
gritted his teeth as he thrust his rapier through the
    Nathaniel summersaulted
into the air, landing at the other side of him. “Not if I chop you
up first.”
    Smirking maliciously,
Devlin circled him. “Don’t have your flames to protect you now, do
you, Golden Boy?”
    “ Don’t need
them,” said Nathaniel, slashing the silver buttons from Devlin’s
    After glancing down at
his bare chest, Devlin threw his head back and laughed. “Is magic
all you’ve got?”
    Taking the opportunity,
Nathaniel snatched Devlin’s weapon and held it above his wings. “I
don’t want to hurt you, Devlin, but if you don’t get out of here
and leave Eloise and her mother alone, I will destroy
    Devlin raised a defiant
brow. “So, are you going to chop my wings off with my own
    “ Stay much
longer, and you’ll find out.” Nathaniel pressed his own sword
against Devlin’s chest.
    His eyes gleaming with
defiance, Devlin grinned. “You don’t have the guts, Nathaniel, and
if you don’t give Eloise back to me, I’ll wait my opportunity, and
then I’ll kidnap her.”
    In a flash, Nathaniel
pointed the swords to the sky, turning the clouds dark and ominous
and sending a lightning bolt zigzagging downwards. As it shot
through the air, it suddenly turned and headed straight for
    With fear in his eyes,
Devlin opened his wings to their full width and shot off in the
opposite direction, creating a whoosh of wind as he jetted upwards.
As he disappeared into the clouds, he wrote a message in the
Nathaniel. Gloves are off. Let our battle begin!
    Nathaniel turned away and
paced the garden, his fury building inside of him. He’d have to
guard Eloise every second from now on, even when she was asleep.
Devlin had turned vile and there was no way on Earth he would ever trusted him again, not now he’d threatened to kidnap
Eloise. Hopefully, Michael would pick up on what had just happened
and either force Devlin into Rehab or burn his wings
    Zooming back into the
house, Nathaniel made a mental note to find out where Devlin’s ward
lived. Surely Michael would tell him after what just happened.
Making sure Devlin hadn’t come back, Nathaniel dashed through all
the rooms and peered out the windows, but there was no sign of him
anywhere. It was hard to believe his best

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