Falling for Flynn

Falling for Flynn by Nicola Marsh Page B

Book: Falling for Flynn by Nicola Marsh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicola Marsh
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
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and did he like cars and trucks over dinosaurs and pirates.
    However, he didn’t want to break the contented silence that had descended upon them, the balmy evening air wrapping them in an intimate cocoon that felt safe and comfortable and free of conflict.
    “We should talk about that kiss.”
    Just like that, the illusion of peace shattered.
    He deliberately kept his voice devoid of emotion, ignoring the rush of heat as he remembered it in every tempting detail.
    She sighed, a soft, plaintive sound that shot straight to his heart.
    “You’re right about us needing to get reacquainted.”
    Her gaze drifted to the back door where their son had vanished. “Tonight proved it.”
    “But you’re not happy about it?”
    “It’s not that.”
    Longing shifted across Lori’s face, as expressive as ever in the low light cast from a mosquito lamp in the center of the table.
    “Tell me.”
    She fiddled with the condiments, buying time, and he let her. He’d been foolish in turning up here unannounced, hoping she’d forget that little aberration under the high school gum tree last night.
    When she finally raised her gaze to his, what he saw there snatched his breath.
    Fire. Daring. Challenge.
    “That’s the second time you’ve kissed me.” She unconsciously traced her bottom lip. “And I let you, which pretty much proves we’ve got unresolved issues. And the more time we spend together odds are things will intensify.”
    Risking a quick glance over her shoulder, she placed her palms on the table and leaned forward.
    “Is that what you want?”
    Damned if he knew.
    Until now, the army had been the only family he’d known. Pop barely acknowledged him after he’d enlisted, an irony in itself considering he’d done it for him. He’d like to think it was early onset dementia that caused Pop’s withdrawal but in reality, it was the ongoing aloofness of a man who’d given up everything to raise him and had resented it every day since.
    Considering his upbringing, could he be the family man Lori expected? Deserved?
    “Let’s see how it goes.”
    The corners of her mouth drooped and he felt like the biggest bastard in the world.
    “I don’t want to make any promises I can’t keep.”
    He didn’t add, not after last time.
    She nodded, the fire in her gaze replaced by a sadness he wished he could banish.
    “I know this situation is difficult, but I’m doing the best I can.” He reached out, covered her hand with his, surprised when she turned hers over to grab hold tight.
    “None of this is your fault.”
    Her guilt was palpable as she squeezed his hand, tears shimmering in her eyes, and it took all his willpower not to haul her into his arms.
    “Lori, look at me.”
    He placed a finger under her chin and gently tilted her face up, leaving her little option but to look him straight in the eye.
    “We can’t change the past. We both messed up but the important thing is I’m here now, you’ve done an incredible job with Adam and we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
    She blinked, once, twice, a single, fat tear rolling down her cheek before she swiped it away, a tremulous smile lightening her somber expression.
    “Catching up, huh?”
    “You bet.”
    He slanted a gentle kiss across her lips, keeping it much briefer than he would’ve liked. Way too brief considering every cell in his body cried out for her, needing her with a staggering fierceness he’d never felt before even in the hormonal hunger of their youth.
    Lori’s eyes fluttered open as Flynn pulled away, his kiss the barest whisper against her lips.
    She knew it wasn’t the time or place to push for more considering Adam might pop his head out the back door any moment to say goodnight but that didn’t stop the raging need burning her up from the inside out.
    She’d always reacted this way to him, even as a teenager: one touch and he’d send her up in flames.
    “We’ve got a lot to catch up on,” she murmured, reaching up

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