Falling for the Wrong Twin
moment, then abruptly stiffened. He knew he was over-reacting but he couldn’t seem to help himself. “A tv show? Do you think this is a joke? That my family’s safety is--”
    “Relax Rambo! I don’t think this is a joke. I adore your family and would never hurt them.”
    “You don’t even know them. You’ve been here an hour tops.”
    She huffed out a breath, but her eyes were still dancing. “I don’t have to be here long to see that you’re in overprotective, new head of the family mode. That you’re freaking out about your sister, in over your head with the toddlers, and no one is helping you.” She leaned over, used her fork to grab a bite of quiche, then leaned back as she nibbled on it in the most distracting way. “You’re forgiven Rambo. So relax. Get some quiche which real men do eat, by the way, and I swear I’ll try not to upset anyone while I’m waiting for my clunker car to get fixed.”
    He glared at her, trying to intimidate her in some way. Not that he wanted to stare her down. He just needed to feel some measure of control over this unexpected, uninvited but thoroughly disconcerting newcomer.
    He failed. She wasn’t intimidated. Instead, she just nibbled at her too large bite of quiche and waited for him to give in.
    He did so with a grumble. Then he grabbed his fork and stabbed the damn breakfast food. He hauled up a piece of quiche and all but threw it into his mouth, obliterating it with a hard chomps.
    “Feel better?” she asked after he’d had another four massive bites.
    He shot her a disgruntled look. “Yes, I do. Thank you.”
    “You’re welcome.” Then she offered up her mug. “Want some coffee?”
    He did actually. Desperately. Without thinking about what he was doing, he took the mug from her hand. Their fingers brushed only briefly, but the heat of her skin lingered in his mind. Then he did something completely unfathomable. He held her mug between them and carefully twisted it around until he saw the faintest outline of her lipstick on the ceramic.
    Then he slowly, deliberately put his mouth right there--right where she’d been drinking--and sipped. And in that moment when his mouth touched the place hers had been, he let the walls down. He stopped being Mr. Protective and slid over into I’m-Attracted-To-You. It was a conscious choice, and as he let his interest show in every line of his body, he watched for her reaction.
    He saw her eyes widen in surprise and her skin flush rosy. No more frappuccino. Now she was a rose colored candy he’d loved as a child. And she wet her lips before looking away. As if she understood the message but was completely thrown by it. Which was just bizarre given her beauty. It can’t have been the first time that two brothers went for her. Jesus, it sure as hell wasn’t the first time he and his twin had wanted the same girl.
    Then he shuttered his desire, flipped from Attraction to Neutral while the truth hit him broadside. She wasn’t a stalker. She was a flesh and blood woman who was hopefully attracted to him but unsure what to do about it.
    It was probably better that way. It’s not like he could seduce a woman while his brother slept in the same room with him. So he pulled the mug away and held it out to her.
    “Thank you,” he said, his voice thick with lust. “I really needed that.”
    She didn’t answer, though she did take the mug from his hands, careful to avoid touching him.
    He frowned, confused. “What? No come back? No quick, flirty tease?”
    She shook her head, suddenly mute.
    Oh hell, had he misjudged? Had he just flipped into the stalker and her the innocent prey? “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I--”
    “No, no,” she said abruptly as she stood up from her seat. “I think I…um…I’ve got some calls to make. Cancellations and the like.” She gestured awkwardly at the rain. “It’s not like I’m going to make to Chicago anytime soon.”
    He opened his mouth to reassure her. To say that

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