Fantasy Warrior

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Book: Fantasy Warrior by Jaylee Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaylee Davis
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giving her a bit more confidence.
    Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a shape come closer. Before she could jump away or even utter a sound of protest, he’d captured her. He looped one of his arms down under her sore bottom and lifted her, holding her tight against him. Hot naked skin pressed against the cotton material covering her breasts, warming her in ways that would’ve normally made her blush. Embarrassed by her reaction, Pam threw her arms around his neck and tucked her face against his collarbone to avoid looking at him. He slid his other arm down her back and skimmed his hand to the underside of her thigh, urging her to place her leg around his waist. Understanding dawned on her, and she spread her legs to grip his waist with her thighs. She hooked her ankles behind his back, anchoring her body to him, and prayed the tail end of her new shirt reached low enough to shield her bottom from view.
    A low growl vibrated deep inside his chest once she was secured. After a moment of hesitation, Kord turned, and she tightened her grip around his neck as he shuffled to the bench.
    “Sandra safe,” he said right before bolting past the other man.
    Taken by surprise, she shrieked out an unintelligible curse against his skin and closed her eyes. If he stumbled and fell while carrying her, she’d be crushed if he landed on top her. Pam held on for dear life as Kord dashed away from their hiding place. Since her eyes were shut, she couldn’t tell which direction he headed, but she doubted he ran toward her condo. And to add more to her worries, she heard the pounding of footsteps running after them. No doubt, his friends followed them. He was taking her away.
    After a short dash, Kord slowed. Pam took the opportunity to raise her head and look around. What she saw was almost unbelievable. A silvery colored vessel skimmed across the water’s surface, heading toward the massive concrete dock where cruise ships normally tied up. She could make out its features in the dim light, and could tell it was like no other ship she’d ever seen. The body of the large craft looked cylindrical but streamlined like a commercial jetliner, only not as long. Instead of wings, it had two narrow fin-like edges running down the length of each side. She suspected they were more for stability than any other reason. She had serious doubts about its ability to lift off the ground or water with such slender wings. It pulled alongside the dock until its edges touched the pilings.
    So awestruck by the sight, she didn’t at first notice when an opening appeared near the middle of the vessel. The second Kord sprinted toward it she came out of her stupor long enough to object.
    “No, Kord. Don’t take me in there. No!” He’s kidnapping me. I’ll never see my family or friends again. Panic washed over her along with fear and anger.
    He ignored her and bolted for the open doorway. With a short leap, he landed inside and then kept walking deeper still. She had to escape. Pam squirmed in his arms and unlocked her ankles, freeing her legs from his waist. As her lower body slid down, she unhooked her hands and tried to push away. Kord simply tightened his hold around her upper back, twisted and reached down with his free arm to scoop her up beneath her knees. She fought back, beating her fists against his thick chest, his neck, and jaw and anywhere else she could reach all while screaming at the top of her lungs.
    His growled order terrified her. Pam froze in his arms, too frightened to move or speak. This was the end. She’d trusted this man, and now he’d turned on her. What’s next? Would he and his friends torture her? Rape her? Or would they slice her up for their next meal? She’d seen his arm weapons and teeth. God. He could tear her throat out in one bite. No longer in control of her emotions, she burst into tears.
    Kord gritted out a muffled curse at his own stupidity. He’d frightened her with his outburst. Now

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