Once you’re settled on the shuttle, I’ll do the procedure. Do you understand?”
“I understand,” Kord snapped, not happy about what needed to happen next.
“The transport is waiting in the harbor,” Morshant called. “As soon as it surfaces you two better be charging toward the entrance with that female. The captain won’t be as lenient if we’re spotted by the local officials, and after we arrive, the general will shoot first and skip the interrogations completely.”
Morshant spoke the truth. His decision was easy. Kord nodded. He leveled a determined look at his new partner, and ordered, “Stay where you are until I have her.”
“Wait. Give this to her.” Thoren tossed the material at him. “I took the garment from one of the shops on my way here.”
Kord caught the small scrap of clothing and then shook it out. He took a quick scent before grunting in approval. Afterward, he turned to collect his mate.
Chapter Five
Pam spent the first few seconds resting on the damp mulch under a thick shelter of tropical plants, catching her breath and trying to calm her nerves. Once she realized Kord talked to the other barbarian who’d been at the bar, she listened in to their conversation. Their words were unintelligible, but the angered responses from Kord confused her. Except for a couple outbursts of harsh-sounding words, the other man spoke in a calm voice, as if he wanted to help.
She rustled around and managed to coax her legs and feet to cooperate enough to stand. She grabbed a nearby tree trunk to help her balance. A quick inspection of the plant revealed she’d landed next to a banana tree. Her nakedness left her feeling exposed and vulnerable, especially now. A sudden bout of modesty overcame her, and she snatched one of the large leaves. She bent it down in front of her, shielding her private parts from view.
From the few glimpses she stole around Kord’s body, the other giant kept his attention focused on her barbarian the whole time, never once looking her way. The other men whose voices she heard on occasion were hidden from her sight by foliage and two very massive musclebound men. Her nerves settled a bit and her knees stopped shaking until Kord took a quick glance at her over his shoulder. Pam’s breath hitched. His bronzed gaze was scorching hot. The heated look seemed to burn through her, stoking her desire for him to an all-time high.
Pam licked her lips. She bit her lower one, barely holding back a moan. The second he turned back to face his companion, she sucked in a few quick breaths. Passing out was not an option. No matter how attractive Kord looked, she couldn’t afford to break down now. Somehow, she had to talk him into letting her go. Her friends might be hurt or they might be waiting for her to show up at the condo. She had to find them. It was the only sane thought running through her mind. Everything else had to wait, even her desire for Kord.
Forget about all the aliens, dead or alive. Maybe they don’t actually exist.
Some asshole could have drugged her and she was having a bad trip or nightmare. No wonder she couldn’t understand what they said. Any minute now, she’d come to her senses and they’d all be gone. It would be just her and a banana leaf hanging out together in the landscaping. Her aching butt disagreed, sending a reminder of how she’d fallen on it twice in one evening.
Kord loomed large in front of her, scattering her wishful thoughts by his overpowering presence. He held a t-shirt in his hand, offering it to her. Pam inched away from her hiding place and reached out, half expecting him to make a grab for her. Instead, he let go of the shirt as soon as she grabbed it.
Thrilled about having something to wear, Pam turned her back to the men. She pulled the t-shirt over her head, thrust her arms through the short sleeves and pulled the hem down over her. It fell to mid-thigh, at least three sizes too large, but the shirt covered her nakedness,
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