Far Away (Gypsy Fairy Tale Book Two)

Far Away (Gypsy Fairy Tale Book Two) by Dana Michelle Burnett

Book: Far Away (Gypsy Fairy Tale Book Two) by Dana Michelle Burnett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dana Michelle Burnett
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rubber and I had only made it as far as the old Capitol building. I could feel myself slowing. No matter how hard I tried, I could hear Alec getting closer.
    Something hit me then and pushed me against the trunk of the nearest tree. Whatever breath I had left in my body, left me and the world went black.

    Chapter 12
    I was falling, spiraling through the darkness. I kept waiting for the moment of impact, but it never came. One second I was plummeting to my death and the next I was standing on my own feet.
    Looking around, I could see nothing but blackness. I listened, but heard nothing.
    Where am I?
    Out of the darkness came a sinister whisper. It came from everywhere and nowhere all at the same time.
    “Bás an fhealltóir ... Bás an fhealltóir ...”
    “Who’s there?” I asked, turning in a slow circle. I was terrified of who or what might answer.
    Suddenly, there was the noise of movement. It was the crunching sound of footsteps coming closer and closer. I turned in a circle again, trying to see through the darkness.
    “S-S-Show yourself!” I demanded, my voice shaking with fear.
    The footsteps were closer, all around me, and echoing in my head.
    No...No...Go away...Leave me alone...
    It was then that I heard him.
    "Harmony... Harmony... Can you hear me?"
    I heard the voice coming down to me through the darkness. At first it was far away, muffled and low. I struggled up towards it like I was swimming against the current of the murky river that was trying to pull me down.
    I can hear you... But where are you... Don’t go... Say something else...
    The voice spoke again, closer this time and no longer muddled.
    "Come on Harmony... Open your eyes... Come on Harmony... Look at me..."
    I knew that voice. The sound of it stirred my blood, bringing me closer to the surface of consciousness.
    You... You...
    "Harmony... Look at me Harmony... Open your eyes and look at me..."
    I tried to do his voice commanded and open my eyes, but my lids were so very heavy. This should be easier, right?
    "Harmony... Harmony..."
    I felt something, and odd sensation that came and went. I would’ve ignored it, but it was more than a little annoying.
    What is that...? Why won’t it stop ...?
    The closer I came to the surface, more real the sensation became. I recognized it then, slight sting of gentle slaps to my cheeks.
    “Open your eyes... Look at me...”
    Fin e...I’ll look at you... Just stop smacking me...
    I struggled to open my eyes. The world was white and filled with a bright light. Above me, blurred shapes moved in and out.
    What is this? Where am I?
    I blinked again and strained to see what was before me. At first, I could make out nothing more than the bare branches of the trees stretching up toward the sky, but then slowly I could make out the face that leaned above me.
    My blood stirred again, this time with rage. I couldn’t stand being so close to him. I worked my fingers back and forth in the wet snow until I could make a solid fist.
    Without hesitation, I drew back and punched him with every bit of strength that I could muster. My fist made contact with his skin in a loud smack.
    Alec fell backwards, clutching his nose.
    “Dammit Harmony.”
    Still weak, I tried to stand, but I fell back down onto my hands and knees. I crawled away as fast as I could, but Alec grabbed my ankle and pulled me back across the snow.
    Why did it have to be winter? Where was everybody? If it was spring or summer, people would be out visiting the old Capitol or at least walking by on the sidewalks. There would be someone around stop this attack.
    As it was, everyone was tucked away in warm houses as Alec pulled me back to him.
    I slapped at him again and again, but now his guard was up and he avoided my blows easily.
    Alec weaved from side to side, “Harmony stop it!”
    “How could you!” I hissed, still trying to land another hit to his face. “You know what they did!”
    He easily penned my arms to my sides,

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