many since I was held against my will for over two years and have only been free
a couple weeks. The clothes that I do have were bought by my friends or donated by strangers. My entire
wardrobe, no matter how meager, however, is currently at the pride house. You haven’t really thought much
about me moving in have you?” Felix stood at the foot of the bed in his now three-day-old clothes.
Claybourne thumped his head against the bathroom doorjamb before dropping his clothes and walking
over to Felix, pulling him into his arms.
“Please forgive me. I’m worried about Ms. Brayburn, but that is no excuse to treat you like shit. Thank
you for calling me on it, and for pointing out what a terrible mate I have been, ignoring your needs like this.
As soon as I know Ms. Brayburn is doing better we’ll get your things from the pride house and go
shopping. I’ll do anything I can to make this your home too.” Claybourne held him tightly.
“Then let’s get moving, slowpoke,” Felix said, pushing him back and kissing him on the lips.
“I’ll be waiting by the door.”
“Okay, baby, be right there,” Claybourne promised.
Felix smiled all the way to the front door. His mate had called him baby.
* * * *
Ms. Tully was standing outside her car in front of the clinic when they pulled up. Claybourne parked
and jumped out of the car. He tossed his keys to Felix to unlock the doors and headed over to Ms. Tully’s
car to help Ms. Brayburn out of the passenger seat.
Felix held the door open as Claybourne rushed past him carrying Ms. Brayburn and heading to the
treatment area. Felix was shocked at the way the older woman looked. She was thinner than this morning,
her complexion now a waxy gray color. He quickly followed behind Claybourne.
“Felix, get an IV started, also an antipyretic,” Claybourne said as he started to examine his patient. Felix
went to the cabinets and pulled out the IV needles, a bag of fluid and some Tylenol.
“She hasn’t been awake for nearly two hours, I don’t think you’re going to get her to swallow those. I
tried to get her to shift but it’s like she can’t. She’s too weak,” Ms. Tully pointed out when he pulled out the
pills. He nodded before putting them back.
“Claybourne, I need your keys to the medicine storage, she’s going to need an injection for the Tylenol,”
Felix said, wrapping the rubber band around the frail arm to get the IV started.
He carefully felt around for a vein and gently inserted the needle. He got the bag started and stepped
away. Claybourne reached into his pocket and absently handed him the keys. Felix ran to the storage room
that held the drugs and unlocked the door. He quickly found the medical-grade antipyretic and raced back
into the examination room. He carefully measured out the dosage and walked back over to Ms. Brayburn.
He gently inserted the needle into the IV port and began to administer the Tylenol.
Thirty seconds later her body began to convulse.
“What in the hell did you give her?” Claybourne demanded.
“Fucking Tylenol, like you asked. Why is she having this reaction?” Felix said as both he and
Claybourne lay across the older woman in an effort to keep her from harming herself. Claybourne reached
behind him and grabbed a bite guard which he put between the older woman’s teeth to keep her from biting
her tongue.
After about a minute the convulsions stopped and her body was still.
“Is she?” Ms. Tully asked crying. Claybourne shook his head.
“She’s fine for now. We’ll let the fluids and Tylenol do their job. Hopefully her fever will break. I’ve
never heard of an illness that affected a person’s ability to shift. Ms. Tully, can you go over the past couple
days to see if we can figure out what led up to this?” Claybourne asked.
“Of course, Doctor. We went home just like you said to do. She changed into her pajamas and we
settled in front of the television. She dozed off and on for
Summer Day
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Robyn Wideman
A.T. Mitchell
Harlan Lane, Richard C. Pillard, Ulf Hedberg
Rita Stradling
Rachelle Morgan
Avon Gale
Hugh B. Cave
Lee Goldberg