Fated Healing [Kindred of Arcadia 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Fated Healing [Kindred of Arcadia 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) by Alanea Alder Page B

Book: Fated Healing [Kindred of Arcadia 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) by Alanea Alder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alanea Alder
Tags: Romance
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hours. I kept giving her water every time she was
    awake. I helped her to bed, but then. Then about an hour ago, I heard her moaning in her sleep. I went into
    her bedroom and she was burning with fever. That’s when I called. She hasn’t woken up at all, even when I
    was calling her name.” Ms. Tully wiped her eyes.
    “That’s strange, she wasn’t running a fever before,” Claybourne said, pacing the room.
    “Let’s—” Felix began when Claybourne’s phone began to ring. He answered it immediately.
    “Liam? Yes, actually I’m already at the clinic. Bring him in immediately.” Claybourne ended the call and
    looked over to Felix.
    “That was Liam, Damian is out of his mind with fever. They are bringing him in now.” Claybourne
    looked around the room.
    “Felix, get other beds ready. I want IVs and Tylenol ready at each station. Pull back the curtains, we
    don’t need private examining areas, this will be triage,” Claybourne said, pulling the dividing curtains back.
    “You’re acting like there will be more,” Felix whispered. Claybourne turned to him, fear in his eyes.
    “Maybe if we’re prepared, nothing will happen.” Claybourne turned back to arranging the gurneys in
    the room.

    * * * *

    Fifteen minutes later Liam came striding in carrying Damian in his arms. Immediately behind him were
    Rian and Kent. Felix directed him to the back where they had a bed prepared. Liam put him down gently
    and stepped back to stand beside the bed. Kent immediately moved to his side.
    “What’s wrong with him, Doc? He’s so weak and can’t shift,” Liam asked as Kent wrapped an arm
    around his mate. Rian moved to stand at Damian’s side. Felix looked around for Sebastian. Kent saw him
    “We left him at home in our bed. We don’t know if it’s contagious, we couldn’t risk him getting sick,
    not with him being pregnant,” Kent explained, shooting a look to Claybourne.
    Felix nodded. “I told him about hybrid pregnancies already,” he confirmed. Kent breathed out a sigh of
    “Doc, you have this room set up to receive more patients. Do you know something I don’t?” Liam
    “No, I just have this horrible feeling that this will get worse before it gets better. Shifters don’t get sick.
    Period. Now I have two shifters in here, dehydrated and running high fevers. Call me a pessimistic bastard,
    but yeah, I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg,” Claybourne said.
    Felix rolled up Damian’s sleeve and got the IV started. When he administered the Tylenol, Damian
    bucked and convulsed the same way that Ms. Brayburn did. Felix and Claybourne immediately lay across
    his body to hold him down to prevent him from injuring himself. When Damian calmed down Claybourne
    and Felix backed away.
    “Liam you need to call the other leaders, we need to see how many people are infected. I pray that this
    is it, but I don’t think so,” Claybourne said. Liam nodded and reached for his phone when it started to ring.
    Frowning, he answered.
    “What! Bring her in. Claybourne is here already. Bran, she isn’t the only one, there are more. Okay see
    you soon.” Liam stared at his phone.
    “Liam? Liam! Snap out of it, what did Bran say?” Claybourne demanded.
    “Kate is sick. She has passed out and won’t wake up,” Liam whispered.
    “Get with Gabriel and Aleks, go door to door if you have to. We need to see how many people are
    sick.” Claybourne ran to the cabinets. He tossed empty vials to Felix.
    “Get blood samples. We need to figure out what in the hell is going on.” Claybourne was about to turn
    to Liam when his cell phone began to ring. He fumbled, trying to answer it quickly.
    “Hello? Fuck! Yes, bring her in. Aaron, we need you and your sons in town, it’s widespread. I need
    help down here. Yes. Thanks.” Claybourne hung his head. Felix went to his mate and wrapped his arms
    around him.
    “Ma is sick. They’re bringing her to the clinic,” Claybourne

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