Fear No Evil
virgin, but she wasn’t so naive that she didn’t know exactly what he meant. He was going to rape her.
    She swallowed, a sob escaping before she could stop the betraying sound of fear. She didn’t want to show him anything. No emotion. She’d lie there and let him do whatever he was going to do. She remembered Carina teaching her how to fight back, giving Lucy a top-notch self-defense class every couple of months. Kick, scratch, scream, run. Get away.
    None of it helped when you were already tied up.
    But she’d also learned that rapists got off on the fight, on subduing their victims. He’d called her “feisty,” as if that were a good thing, a fun thing. She wouldn’t do it. She’d bite her tongue before she screamed or begged for mercy.
    The blinking eye bothered her, though. The camera. They were recording her. Why? To watch the rape over and over again? So he could show it to his sick friends?
    Bile rose in her throat and she swallowed it uneasily, the vomit burning. She swallowed again.
    Hold it together, Lucy. Think.
    Someone would find her. They had to. By now her family knew she was missing. It was dark, late at night or early morning, she didn’t know.
    They would be looking for her. Connor and Carina and Patrick and Dillon—and they had friends in high places. She had to hold on to that hope. And anything that might happen; well, put that aside. Put that away. Surviving was the most important thing. Everything else, she could deal with in time, right?
    But her life—she had to survive, whatever brutality they had planned for her.
    Where was she? The room was dimly lit, probably just bright enough for her body to be filmed. There was a single window, but the blinds were drawn. Two doors. She knew one led to a hall. The other? A bathroom? Closet? She didn’t know.
    Trevor had brought her here on a boat. She’d heard something about an island. One of the guys said they were approaching an island.
    What island? Catalina? Avalon? How could that be? Too many people and tourists. Maybe he’d taken her south, to an island off Mexico. Away from America, from safety.
    The blinking eye of the camera mocked her. Lu-cy. Lu-cy.
    “Enjoy the show for free” Trevor had said.
    Was that camera live ?
    Her body involuntarily shook and she groaned out a cry of misery. How? What was he doing with it? Could people see her right now? Like this ?
    She pulled at her restraints, but they were tight.
    “You fucking bastard!” she screamed. “Let me go!” Lucy strained and pulled.
    On the other side of the door, someone laughed. It wasn’t Trevor.
    It was a female voice. And it didn’t sound completely…right.
    That scared Lucy even more.
    Kate typed.
User not online.
    Dillon Kincaid was persistent, she would give him that. Why was she even reading his pleas? She should have turned off the monitor when he first tried to draw her into conversation.
    She was punishing herself. You want to know everything about the girl who’s going to die next.
    Punishment? Where the hell had that thought come from? Kate was trying to prevent Lucy Kincaid’s murder. She still had a chance. Every one of Kate’s computers was working at full capacity. She had all the server space and computer resources she needed. The fastest drives, hundreds of gigabytes of memory. Nothing was slowing her down. Kate would find Lucy and she would save her.
    Like she couldn’t save Paige and the others.
    Dillon Kincaid was still writing.
My brother Patrick is a computer genius. He can help you. With your skills and his skills, together we can find Lucy before it’s too late. Talk to him, please.
    There were good computer people, but no one was as good as Kate Donovan. All Patrick could do would be slow her down asking stupid questions about why she did this, why she did that. And he had a vested interest, his attention would be split. He wouldn’t be focused on the task, instead watching what was happening to his sister.

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