Fiending for His Love
man was right there to pick her up. The nurse on the other hand got the shitty end of the stick. She was only concerned about her patient and in return she got her ass beat and loss her job of five years. Plenty of times she’d seen females come in who were battered and bruised by their lover but stated otherwise. It was her job to report anything that she thought was suspicious. Over the next few days Charisma and Trent joked about their freak accident….              
    Months later…
    Trent was sitting in the living room bagging up his drugs while Charisma sat Indian-style across from him counting his money. Every day she saw more progress in Trent’s hustling. She remembered when he used to nickel and dime it. Now her man was that nigga pushing nothing but weight; selling pure cocaine throughout all of the towns in Philadelphia. When she first met Trent he had a nice wardrobe, a nice car, and a nice house. Now they had so much more. He was a much better and successful hustler with a little encouragement from his girl, who was his number one fan.
    The finer things in life that her father had once given her and worked so damn hard for, she was now getting way much more of from Trent. Trent hustled hard for himself and Charisma and was hoping that one day he could build a future with her. He was craving for a little Trent. Some nights he spent dreaming about a Trent Jr. and marrying the love of his life.
    “Babe, soon we going to have to get a money counter. This is way too much money for me to be counting by hand,” Charisma expressed.
    Trent nodded his head up. She was right. There was a lot of stuff that he needed to start investing his money in. A money counter was definitely one of those many things.
    Charisma was naive to the life of a hustler. She thought the only thing that Trent did was sell drugs and bring home hella money for her to spend. There was so much more to Trent that Charisma had no clue about. Really, he was living another life.
    Trent also had the blood of many men on his hands. He also had many niggas who wanted his ass. Before he got where he was he done a lot of dirty work. He had to start from somewhere right? Years ago Trent was just a young boy who wanted a piece of the pie. He dreamed of money every night; it was everything to him. Him and his partner Trig use to go out and rob small time hustlers. One day they finally hit a big lick. A well-paid hustler was in town from New Jersey and was stunting like hell. It was obvious to Trent and trigger happy Trig that the nigga was asking to be robbed. So they put in that work and took what they lawfully claimed was theirs and from there they were able to live carefree. Or so they thought.
    After that big come up they left robbery alone. They had no need for it. For the love of money, Trent and Trig dipped and dabbed in selling females. They would find young dumb girls, turn them out, and ship them off to Florida to Trent's cousin Blaze, who would pay a good amount for each worthy female. If Blaze didn't want them he would always sale them off to some thirsty pimp. If Trent hadn’t fell so hard for Charisma she would have been long gone and probably would have lost her mind due to the crucial punishment that Blaze would have surely given her.
    Charisma began to huff and puff as if she was the only one putting in hard work. As a matter-of-fact, Trent felt like she was behaving as if she did a damn thing besides sit on her pretty ass while shouting demands, spend money like it was water, and a little bit of cooking and cleaning here and there. All Trent asked her to do was one simple thing and that was to count the money and put it up.
    Charisma gawked down at all the money scattered around the floor and began to huff and puff yet again. She gazed at the diamond watch resting nicely on her wrist. It was damn near 6:00PM. Her palms began to itch and her eyes began to water as she thought about missing the trip to the mall that she

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