Fighting For Her Dragon

Fighting For Her Dragon by Julia Mills Page B

Book: Fighting For Her Dragon by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
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Focus on yourself and getting better,” came to her mind. Emma’s spine stiffened; her resolve to make them listen to her renewed.
    “No more coddling, no more sending me away or telling me I’m better off without him, Siobhan. I know you can feel something more than just power in that symbol. Stop trying to protect me and help me find out what’s going on. One way or another, I will get my mate back or send him on to his final destination so that he can find some rest. I promise you I will…with or without your help.”
    Siobhan looked away, bit her bottom lip, and made a ‘tsk’ sound before answering. “Well, I suppose you will want to stay as close to him as possible, am I right?”
    “That you are.”
    “Okay, then we will work in here until the others come. Let me show you what Pearce and I have been able to find so far. And that symbol just may be the break we needed.”
    Not waiting for an answer, the Healer stepped around Emma and walked to the table that held all her books. Emma stood looking at Andrew, wondering what he’d been like before his capture and knowing he’d been a real pain in the ass, but someone she would’ve liked. Laying her hand over his still heart and her lips upon his cool forehead, she said the words in her mind she wasn’t ready to say out loud. “Come back to me. I know life was hard and you really screwed up, but I need you…at least for a little while. I’m pretty sure if I cannot see that you’re real and know that everything you’ve made me feel is not a figment of my imagination, I’m gonna lose my mind.”
    It was several more minutes before she could move away from her mate. Nothing that had happened since the man had set foot in the lair made sense, and this new development was no exception. Emma had tried to fight it, had stayed away from him and had ultimately hidden what was happening from all those she trusted, but now there was no way she could deny their connection or her need to have him in her life.
    Fate may not be denied, but it might just kill me too.

    Nothing he’d ever endured at the hands of any of his captors had left him as gutted as listening to Emma fighting for him did. It wasn’t what she said, although her words were beautiful. It wasn’t the vehemence with which she said them, although that was humbling to say the least. It was her complete belief that bled from every word, persuading others to believe just as she did, that he was more than the sum of his deeds. She was the first person that accepted all of him–the good, the bad, and most definitely, the ugly. 
    He wanted to get back to her and that shocked him more than anything. Andrew O’Brien did not want to be with anyone; he was a loner and capable of dealing with anything and everything on his own…but…he wasn’t. He not only wanted to be with Emma, to be a better person because of her, he needed to be with her. Needed to show her that her faith in him was not unfounded. He just knew if he could get back there, he could be the man and dragon she needed.
    Then came the part that didn’t surprise him, not even a little bit. The part, where even in his death, those fucking dragons dismissed him like yesterday’s garbage. It had been bad enough when they treated him like scum at the bottom of the pond when he was alive, but when they’d had the nerve to tell his mate…his mate… that he wasn’t worth her time. They’d gone too damn far.
    Well, from what I’ve seen of her, I’m really not. She is the best of the best and I’m…well…I’m me.
    They’d also told her to get over him, move on, and that she was better off without him. And maybe they were right on a certain level, but they had no idea how deeply he and Emma had bonded. Couldn’t know that she was the ultimate light. That she wiped away the deep, dark stains of all he’d done. She couldn’t offer him the forgiveness that he would have to earn from all that he had harmed, but she could

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