seen to that.
After being jostled and thrown around for what seemed to be an hour, the Senator felt the taxi decelerate as it pulled up at the curb of a dilapidated apartment block.
He alighted from the cab and clutched his briefcase tightly to him as he thrust a fist full of twenties through the driver’s window.
“Here you go driver, this should cover the fare.”
He waited as the driver carefully counted the notes and then heard him mumble something that sounded like a thankyou as he sped off.
He watched the red tail light lights disappear up the deserted alleyway and then turned and looked up at the squalid monstrosity that stood before him.
He was oblivious to the small red dot that punctuated the back of his head, and, as he took a step towards the grime covered doorway at the front of the building, he was unaware that it would be his last.
He did not see the flash, nor hear the resounding crack, nor feel the bullet that penetrated his skull. The execution was flawless. Senator Trent Baker was dead before he hit the ground.
“Hey Blondie! Hows about ya get your arse over here and pour me another coffee. I’m an old man ya know and I’m getting older by the minute!”
“Yeah, yeah, give us a sec will ya Burt,” Sylvan said as she attended to one of the other patrons of The Greasy Dog Diner.
After taking a couple of weeks to settle into living with Crystal, Silvan had decided that she needed to go out and earn a living to help Crystal out with some of the bills.
She had had some experience bussing tables and applied to Jerry Sanders, the owner of the diner.
She had cleaned herself up as best she could, complete with make-up and a plastered smile and squirmed her way through the interview.
The rape by her Mother’s boyfriend was still fresh in her mind. After that horrendous ordeal she thought it would take a long time before she could trust men again.
As she cleaned the crumbs and ketchup splotches from one of the tables, she remembered how she had to fight the urge to lower her gaze as she sat opposite Jerry as she slowly but confidently answered his questions.
She could feel her face flush slightly when she remembered how she felt when she noticed him staring at her cleavage during the interview.
She needed the job, so she ignored it and self consciously folded her arms in front of her in an attempt to cover any flesh that may have been visible.
The Greasy Dog Diner was a popular place for Crystal and her fellow associates as she liked to call them. Sylvan was fortunate that Crystal knew that Jerry was looking for another waitress. Crystal had encouraged her to apply for the job.
If it had not been for Crystal, Sylvan knew that she could have quite easily succumbed to depression.
She had felt numb for a least a week after moving in with Crystal.
She had been in autopilot, responding to Justen’s needs and then falling back into a vicious cycle of sleeping, crying and then sleeping again.
As she poured Burt’s coffee she glanced up at the clock that was used to cover the crack in the plaster on the wall behind the cash register.
She smiled when she realised that she only had an hour and then she would be on her way home to her son.
She had managed to convince Jerry to allow her to only work the hours that Justen would be in school. It was a good arrangement.
Every morning she would make breakfast for Justen and then send him off to school.
After she had safely seen him catch the bus for school, she would hurriedly dress and then catch her bus from the front of their building and make the three block journey to the diner.
After her shift she would catch the opposite bus and manage to make it back to Crystal’s apartment before Justen arrived home from school. So far it had been a perfect arrangement.
She remembered back to the first night that she had met Crystal. She could not shake the horrible feeling she had felt when Justen had told her that he had been hiding from a bad
Nelson Nye
Linda Bridey
Paul Finch
Adam C. Mitchell
Tony Judt
Cristian Mihai
Jill Sanders
Emelia Elmwood
Thomas Fleming
RB Stutz