Fighting to Forgive (Fighting Series)

Fighting to Forgive (Fighting Series) by JB Salsbury

Book: Fighting to Forgive (Fighting Series) by JB Salsbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: JB Salsbury
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weight, hoping he won’t notice. “Real funny, ass. You know I’m serious about training.”
    Stretching his arms over his head, he locks his hands behind his neck. “You’re going to have to hit it harder than usual. Rumor has it Wade’s been watching your tapes. Plays that shit in his bedroom when he hits the sack, wakes up to it every morning. He’s eating, sleeping, and living your game.”
    I shrug and lean back in my chair. The stabbing pain in my back flares again. “Waste of time.” I fight to take a deep breath. Fuck.
    “You all right, dude?”
    “Fucked up my back today deadlifting.” I dig fingers into my aching spine.
    “You gonna get that shit checked out?”
    The sharp spasm mellows, and I take in a full breath. “Yeah. I’ll take some anti-inflammatory pills. If it’s not better in a few days, I’ll go see the Doc.”
    “Why not go in tomorrow? Get a jumpstart on that shit. Hate to see you go down over something stupid, like pride.”
    “Pride? You know as well as I do that I will pound Wade’s ass, jacked-up back and all. His game’s fuckin’ pre-school compared to—” My phone vibrates in my pocket.
    Jonah laughs to himself. “Yeah, no pride there.”
    I scowl at my dickhead friend then check the caller ID. “Shit, it’s Brae. I better take this.”
    I stand and walk across the room to the back door, thankful that being on my feet eases the pressure on my back. “Brae. What up, man? Happy New Year.”
    “Same to you, bro. How’s the desert?” My little brother’s voice is a welcome sound. I don’t get to talk to him often, and when I do, I’m reminded of how much I dig the guy.
    “Nice and dry.” I walk out back and sit on a lounger, poolside. “What’s up with you? How’s things on base?”
    He laughs low. “Same. Southern Cali never changes. Camp Pendleton’s quiet. Dad’s keeping me close.”
    Yeah, I bet he is. Asshole wants us to man up, be members of the few and proud. But when combat time rolls around, he can’t let his boy go overseas. At first, I assumed it was because he didn’t want to see us get hurt, but he’d have to give a shit for that to be the case. No, everything with my dad is about control. And I’m sure his keeping my brother stateside is no different.
    “You gonna make it to my fight?”
    “I’ll try. I really want to. But Dad knows about it. Heard him pissin’ and moanin’ about shit. He’ll probably come up with some bullshit booter-duty for me that weekend.”
    I’ll never understand why my brother tolerates our piece of shit dad. I got out of there as soon as I could. The second I got discharged from the Corps, I ran like hell to Vegas.
    No use in arguing with Brae. He’s set on pleasing the General.
    “Right. Well, you’re twenty-one now. Vegas is your playground. If you ever make it out, I’ll show you how the other half lives.”
    “I’d like that, man.” I can hear the smile in his voice. “Getting a little sick of this place.”
    I’m thankful we’re not face-to-face so he can’t see my grimace. Chances are, Braeden only sticks around to play shield to my mom. Just like I did until I was dragged out in the middle of the night and dropped off at military school.
    “How’s Mom?” I want to know but cringe waiting for his answer.
    He blows out a long breath. “Same.”
    “Yeah, I figured.”
    “She misses you. Maybe you could give her a call sometime.”
    My stomach drops at the mere mention of talking to my mom. I went from being a protective kid to a resentful adult. The conflicting feelings I have toward her make me irritable and… fuck! “Yeah, I’ll do that.” No, I won’t. “But, uh… until I do, tell her I’m good, okay? Tell her I… that I’m happy.” It’s so messed up that I can’t say I love my mom. It’s just so fucking complicated and easier left alone, locked away with the rest of my secrets.
    Safe from the prying, judgmental eyes of others.
    “Will do.” He clears his throat. “I

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