Find My Baby

Find My Baby by Mitzi Pool Bridges

Book: Find My Baby by Mitzi Pool Bridges Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mitzi Pool Bridges
Jensen a quick look. “Believe me, every ounce of evidence will be brought in and every scrap will be checked.”
    “In the meantime, you’ll be able to reach her through me any time you want.”
    “Who’s looking for Sam? You or the FBI?” Kayla demanded.
    The question hung in the air.
    No one answered.
    “Can’t you tell me at least that much?” Her voice choked.
    “Both,” Detective Wagner said. “But we can’t give you a time-table. We have no idea how long it will take.”
    Which didn’t mean much, Kayla thought to herself. They didn’t have a clue to go on.
    “Take her to the lab. Let’s see if her DNA matches what we find in the house,” Wagner said.
    “I saw them scrub it down,” Kayla said. “I doubt you’ll find anything.”
    Wagner exchanged another glance with the captain.
    Luke took Kayla’s arm and led her out of the office and started down the hall, Kayla beside him. Wagner followed.
    “You have to find him,” Kayla told Detective Wagner.
    “Could someone have taken him for ransom?” Wagner asked.
    Kayla looked doubtful. “I don’t see why. I have no money.”
    “Maybe it’s not money they’re after.”
    “What then?”
    The detective shrugged. “Do we have your address?”
    “I’m staying with my aunt,” she said, giving her the address and phone number.
    Wagner turned to Luke. “What’s your opinion?”
    “Believe me, whoever has her baby isn’t after money. Could be a woman who just wanted a baby,” he volunteered.
    They were at the door.
    “Don’t leave town,” the detective warned.
    “I’ll keep an eye on her,” Luke said.
    “If she disappears again, Garrett, I’ll lay the blame at your feet,”
    “Don’t worry about it. If you want her in again, let me know.”
    “Where did you start your search?” Kayla asked.
    “We start with the Amber alert. And maybe we’ll get something at the house.”
    Kayla wasn’t encouraged. What if they were too late for an Amber alert? And she seriously doubted if they’d find anything at the house.
    Whoever they were, the kidnappers were professionals.

Chapter Five
    After a stop at the lab for a blood sample, Luke took Kayla to her aunt’s house. “I’ll be back after I catch up on a few things for Mom. Don’t go anywhere.”
    He stared deep into her eyes and it made her nervous.
    “I’m serious, Kayla. No more disappearing acts. I mean to keep my promise to Captain Jensen. If HPD wants to talk to you again, you will be available.”
    She nodded. “I will be. I’m sorry I ran. I thought they’d keep me. You have to understand. There’s no way I can handle being locked up.”
    “I’ll be back,” he promised.
    Kayla was more shaken by her trip to the police station than she wanted Luke to know. But he was right. They hadn’t kept her and she was grateful.
    Alone with her aunt for the first time since she’d arrived last night, Kayla walked into the small living room and looked around while her aunt checked on a pot of soup. The house was small and tidy. No expensive furnishings, just simple pieces, some old, some a little newer. All well cared for.
    Kayla admired the old-fashioned room. The walls were painted soft beige, the carpet, though far from new, still held its rosy color. Pictures on the wall were family ones. She recognized her mother when she was a young girl, as well as one of her in her teens. A studio portrait of a smiling couple had to be that of Kayla’s grandparents, another of Aunt Nester and her late husband on their wedding day.
    Kayla looked closer. Aunt Nester looked happy then. From the lines around her eyes and mouth now, Kayla wondered if she was happy now or just getting old.
    Less than two weeks until Christmas, there were no decorations anywhere. Maybe Aunt Nester didn’t celebrate Christmas. But Kayla remembered her mother telling her of the festive times they’d had during the holidays, how they trimmed the tree, wrapped gifts, even baked and decorated sugar cookies. Did

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