Fire And Ash

Fire And Ash by Nia Davenport

Book: Fire And Ash by Nia Davenport Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nia Davenport
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at Mick’s gym.”
    Sean and Gerard relax but Aunt Farrah still looks like she’s ready to murder somebody. And if she looks like that, I’m suddenly glad Dad is not around because I am positive there would be no stopping him from marching over to the gym, demanding that Mick give him Derek’s address and then shoving his size twelve boot up Derek’s butt.  
    Aunt Farrah raises one eyebrow at me and I think she is actually considering doing it herself. It would be utterly embarrassing, but it would also be a riot watching it go down.
    “I left him in worst shape than I’m in,” I say quickly to talk her down. I am perfectly capable of fighting my battles for myself. “He had my arm locked in a submission hold, but I used your head butt trick.”
    “Good. Did you break his nose?”
    “No. Mick would have thrown me out the gym.”
    Aunt Farrah’s approving smile turns into a disapproving frown. “Ethics do not win fights. Always kick your opponents when they’re down. Every time .”  

Blood Vow

    As I ring the doorbell at Cassie’s I remind myself to remain on my best behavior. I am here for her birthday dinner, and punching Derek in the face will ruin the occasion.  
    When Derek answers the door I am convinced the universe is testing me.  
    I smile sweetly at him when I see that his nose is still slightly swollen. Good. Because it’s been three days and my arm still hurts like a bitch.  
    He is wearing navy khakis and a white button down shirt, and I berate myself for noticing how nicely he cleans up.
    He does not initially speak. His eyes do a slow perusal of me from head to toe, identical to the way they did the first time I came to his house. But this time I am not in jean shorts and a tee. I’m wearing a dress I borrowed from Aunt Farrah because Cassie said that she wanted everyone to dress up. I feel the sudden urge to tug at its short hem, but refuse to give Derek the satisfaction of seeing me do it. I can only imagine the judgmental smirk that it will induce.  
    I find myself thankful to be wearing a cardigan over the skinny straps and semi-low neckline of the dress. Even in summer temperatures dip rapidly across Colorado once the sun goes down.  
    “Are you going to let me in or are you going to leer at me all night?” I quip.  
    His eyes flash with surprise and I take satisfaction in knowing I’ve caught him off guard. He shifts his body to lean casually against the door frame quickly recovering. “I was just looking for a hint of the bruises I know I left behind. Call me sadistic, but I like to admire my handiwork. How’s your shoulder feeling by the way?”  
    “Just fine. How’s your nose? Did I break it?” I push past him, not waiting for him to invite me in.
    His incredulous laugh booms out behind me. “You wish.”
    I am about to throw a snappy comeback over my shoulder when his hand shoots out and jerks me backwards by the arm that is not sore.  
    He leans in way too close to my personal space and I just know he has lost his mind. What in the actual —
    The thought stops short when he begins whispering in my ear.
    “Tonight is Cass’ birthday and she has asked me to be nice. I’m complying because birthdays are a big deal for her. But I don’t like you and you are the last person she needs as a friend.”
    What?! He doesn’t like me. The asshole doesn’t even know me. I snatch my arm away and am about to ask him just what his deal is. Why he has decided that he doesn’t like me just off of principal when I haven’t done a single thing to warrant it, but Cassie appears from around a corner at the exact moment that I am.  
    She eyes Derek suspiciously. “Are you being nice?”
    He throws her a high wattage smile and slings one arm around my shoulder. The sore one, and I’m positive it is done on purpose.   “Of course. I promised I would, didn’t I?”
    She asks the question with such desperation that I don’t have the heart to tell her differently

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