and decapitate a dragon right in front of her. Not only that, he’d already had a smear of blood across his cheek, from some previous battle. The man had been fighting, killing even, just before she had arrived. How was she supposed to live in this barbaric place? Murder and mayhem were rare on Earth in the modern era. People simply did not go about killing each other. The struggle for power and dominance upon Galaton was completely foreign to her. There hadn’t been violence or war on Earth since the Mulgor attack twenty-five years ago. Celeste had only been Shiloh’s age at the time. Fear pulsed through her body, numbing her limbs and clenching her heart. Her mate was the ruler of these lands. She had learned enough about Galaton to know exactly what that meant. There had been a clear display of it right outside on the landing pad. Salvatt was the most brutal, most dangerous dragon among them. That was what it meant to be Prince of the South. It wasn't a distinction that was given to him without a fight. The dragons of Galaton had become increasingly violent in the last several decades since their dwindling population of females had begun to die out. Now that no females were left, the males of Galaton were out of control. Yet her mate continued to dominate the fire lands. Celeste was the only female to set foot on the planet since the last one had died a year ago. She felt as if her soul was being ripped apart inside her body at the thought. Nothing in her life had prepared her for a place like this or to be mated to a man who ruled here. All the time she had spent traveling across the galaxy to Galaton, she had been watching the videos and still images of Salvatt as she rubbed the special mating cream over her swelling body. Even after her child had been born she'd been instructed to continue using the lotion. And each time she gazed upon his picture and spread the cream over her skin, she felt more bonded to him than she had before. But now that she was here and she had met him in person, she realized that all of the feelings she had accumulated over the months of travel had been a fantasy. This man was nothing like the one she had been expecting. She had been well aware that he would be a warrior but she had somehow fooled herself into believing this wouldn’t bother her; that he would be different. He had been nothing but civilized to her. But his display of power and dominance on the landing pad frightened her so completely that she didn't know if she could ever allow him to touch her. Even though she knew all he was trying to do was protect her from a threat, the violence of it was imprinted on her mind. Celeste had never seen someone killed. She had never seen death dealt right in front of her. And it was something her consciousness rebelled against accepting. She turned away from the view of the forest and walked back into her chamber, her padded steps silent on the cool tile floor. She pushed the hover cradle into the bedroom and set it beside the big soft bed that was waiting for her. Celeste slipped out of her formal gown, finding her clothes already unpacked in her closet. She wished she’d brought something else with her to remind her of the life she had once lived on Earth. Compared to Galaton, Earth was a civilized and peaceful place. Everyone was equally taken care of and humans and Draconians lived in harmony. Galaton was the exact opposite. There was no harmony among the Draconian males, only a constant struggle for dominance. Salvatt believed that the birth of his heir would bring an end to the power struggle. But Celeste knew he couldn’t guarantee that. If one of these enraged males was able to get close to her and her son, they would no doubt kill them both in an attempt to gain control of the fire lands. Celeste pulled on her favorite pair of red flannel pjs and climbed into the bed. She looked over at the hover cradle sitting beside her bed and laid her head against the pillow.