Fire of a Dragon (Fallen Immortals 3) - Paranormal Fairytale Romance

Fire of a Dragon (Fallen Immortals 3) - Paranormal Fairytale Romance by Alisa Woods

Book: Fire of a Dragon (Fallen Immortals 3) - Paranormal Fairytale Romance by Alisa Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alisa Woods
Tags: Romance - Erotica
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Arabella’s steps outside the door of the throne room just before Cinaed swung open the door. His best friend was somber as he held the door wide for Lucian’s mate. He only had a moment to wonder about the furrowed look on Cinaed’s face before Lucian’s mind was captured by the sight of Arabella in her presentation dress. Halfway through her pregnancy now, the bump of her belly sweetly round and captivating, she radiated every fertility symbol worshiped through all of time. Flowing layers of white fabric floated around her as she moved. Her sweet breasts perched high, her delicately freckled skin making his mouth ache. A single golden band wrapped around her temple, signaling her new status as a princess. The flowing train of white floated in the breeze behind her. He was so captivated by her appearance that it took a moment for his eyes to find hers. But when they did, those green jewels locked onto him, and she bestowed upon him a tentative smile.
    If only he could capture her in this moment and never let go. If only it didn’t require her to risk her life to bring her to his throne room. If only the specter of Cara’s death didn’t loom over her, the sparkle in Arabella’s eyes just the same as Cara’s when she had come through the door all those years ago. Lucian ground his teeth and forced himself to push those thoughts aside. There was no room for them here today, in this moment.
    Cinaed held the door as Arabella stepped through. Her maid, Rachel, followed. Leonidas left Lucian’s side to offer his arm to Arabella. Tradition held that a dragon sponsor would escort his mate before the king and queen to present her for their official blessing. It was a formality for matings which had already occurred, but Leonidas had insisted that he fulfill the role. Not that Arabella had any objection whatsoever. The two of them marched in a solemn, measured pace down the length of the throne room. Rachel followed a step behind, fussing with the long train that flowed behind Arabella, even though the magic imbued in the dress kept it floating perfectly. Smiles and glittering eyes of appreciation followed Arabella. Her sealing mark undulated along her back, drawing everyone’s murmurs of approval. It was seductive, all that skin, all marked by him, her beauty and strength all perfectly shown off by that alluring showcase. Lucian could feel the twin emotions of pride and jealous lust rippling through the entire assemblage of male dragons.
    Their prince was mated once again—something many of them surely never expected to happen—and to a beauty who was plainly extraordinary. They had much to envy, but even their piercing gazes didn’t arouse any jealousy in Lucian. There were a hundred or so of them, and not one would wish for anything but the safe delivery of his dragonling into the world, securing the treaty along with the House of Smoke’s place in the immortal world for another generation.
    Cinaed joined Lucian and Leksander by the door once he had closed it. They would wait until Arabella’s acceptance before making their own solemn march down the length of the throne room for the final blessing by the king and queen.
    A glance at Cinaed showed his worried look was still present. His gaze was locked on Arabella, who had nearly reached the throne dais. Or perhaps it was Rachel’s lovely rear end that captured his attention as she skittered and shuffled along behind, bending to adjust the dress that didn’t need adjustment. Even as Lucian had been buried in his own concerns, it had not escaped his notice that Cinaed gladly hewed close to Rachel. And Lucian recognized lust in another dragon when he saw it.
    “You should grab hold of love when it comes your way, my friend,” Lucian whispered, dipping his head to Cinaed. Arabella’s introduction up front was continuing apace without them.
    Cinaed gave him an odd look—and a more tentative one than Lucian expected. Was he truly that hesitant to bed the female? Or

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