Fire's Ice
one ever has before.”
    But he didn’t explain, only met her lips with his, coaxing them open for him. She let him set the pace. When his tongue dipped inside to taste her, she met his with her own. Finding the hem of his t-shirt, Arianne slid her hands underneath the soft material to the warm skin of his chest. When his hand smoothed along her bare thigh, she became aware of her lack of clothing. “Devin.” Fearless with him, whispering his name, she tried to get closer, to ease the vicious need he stirred inside her body.
    “Not yet, sweetheart.”
    “We’ve been together like this so many times before. Do you not want me?”
    “It’s different now. I can’t breathe without smelling your scent. I see every inch of your skin in my dreams. I know your taste. Where and how you like to be touched. How it feels to have you wrapped around me. I crave you. Lust for you drives me insane.”
    “Then why not take what we both want?”
    “Because I fell in love with you, Ari.” He kissed her once more and then climbed out of bed. “And I’m not cheating you out of the experience. We have all the time in the world. Why not take it?”
    Stunned into silence, she could only stare at him. I fell in love with you, Ari. He loved her?
    “The en suite is through there. Are you steady enough to manage on your own?”
    And then he was gone. She wouldn’t have taken Devin for a coward. Alone, she stood on shaky legs and walked to the window. Pulling the drapes back, she saw a garden filled with blooming fruit trees. Pink petals littered the ground. So many dreams. So many nights in his arms and now that she was finally free, he wanted to wait.
    She explored the room. Dark and rich chocolates covered the bed and picked up on the colors of the fireplace. The furniture was dainty with curved legs and soft cushions, yet the poster bed was large and sturdy. She’d seen it before while she visited his dreams. Definitely Devin’s room. And remembering didn’t help the ache snaking through her body.
    The first thing to catch her eye in the bathroom was floor-to-ceiling mirror hanging on one wall. Arianne studied her reflection. Her long, dark curls were mussed and tangled around a pale face. Her lips were pink and just a bit swollen from Devin’s kiss. The only thing she wore was a long white shirt. Sniffing the collar, she smelled the crisp, clean fragrance clinging to the material. His shirt, not conjured. Devin didn’t wear cologne, but the scent of his soap always stayed with her. He must have changed her clothes. What else had she missed?
    Because I love you . Men were ever a puzzle. Still, hadn’t she known? The dreams they shared had changed over time, slow and sweet instead of hot and fierce. A softness came over his face each night she visited his sleep, the same one she had seen this morning. Just that look was enough to have her quaking inside.
    She found a bottle of bubble bath on the side of the tub. Thanks to Devin's dreams and Allie's influence, she had knowledge of modern conveniences such as indoor plumbing. Turning the faucet on hot, Arianne poured two capfuls under the stream and let the water run until the big round tub filled. Reluctantly, she unfastened the shirt buttons and let the material fall away to the floor. Slipping into the frothy bubbles, she sighed and let the reality of her situation sink in.
    I am finally out of that wretched circle . True enough, but she was still in a prison of sorts. One with running water, walls, food that didn’t taste like air, and a sexy male witch bent on driving her to frustration. Not so bad, all things considered.
    Being trapped didn’t mean she hadn’t noticed changes in the world around her for a thousand years. She tipped her feet out of the water, waved toward them, and turned her toenails a bright fiery red. Allie brought her little things from the modern world. Mostly books filled with sweet love stories; more than a few of them brought a blush to

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