First Class Hero (First Class Novels)

First Class Hero (First Class Novels) by AJ Harmon Page B

Book: First Class Hero (First Class Novels) by AJ Harmon Read Free Book Online
Authors: AJ Harmon
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    Back in the good ol’
    From: Lathem, Paul R.
LCDR (lathempr@nav...
    Date: Wednesday, April 24
12:03 PM
    To: Nic
Stewart (nicas821@ou...
    Hi Nic,
    We’re back! I’m on base
right now in Coronado looking at the beautiful ocean and wishing I was in it
instead of working. ;)
    How are you? Any news on
the job?
    Hope to hear from you
    RE: Back in the good
ol’ USA
    From: Nicole Stewart (nicas821@outloo...
    Date: Wednesday, April 24
11:41 PM
    To: Paul
Lathem ([email protected]...
    Glad you are back safe and
sound. Kill any Canadians? LOL
    I didn’t get the job in
Harlem. In some ways I’m relieved. I’m not sure it was the best fit for me.
They seemed to be a little more structured in their curriculum than I am. I
believe that the students should dictate what the syllabus should be…to an
extent anyway. I think it encourages excitement about learning when we study
something they are interested in. I mean, I know that there are standards that
have to be met, but why can’t we study nature in tune with the seasons? Or math
during snack time with carrots and milk cartons? Oh well, maybe it’s all for
the best. I don’t know that I would like being pigeon holed.
    Sorry about the ranting…I
get a little worked up. ;)
    I’m off to bed. It was a
LONG night at work! Wednesdays are usually quiet but I guess seeing as though I
wasn’t in a great mood to begin with everyone decided to come in to get a drink
and annoy me! ;)
    RE: Back in the good
ol’ USA
    From: Lathem, Paul R.
LCDR (lathempr@nav...
    Date: Thursday, April 25 05:09
    To: Nic
Stewart (nicas821@ou...
    Sorry to hear about the
job, BUT like you say, it may all be for the best. Chin up. It will all work
out the way it’s supposed to. J
    We’re being deployed on
Sunday…another mission. Not sure how long we’ll be gone. I think this will be
hard for the team, with Cody’s death still so fresh. I know we’re supposed to
be tough but not when it comes to losing one of our own.
    Gotta go. Can’t be late
    RE: Back in the good
ol’ USA
    From: Nicole Stewart
    Date: Friday, April 26 09:51
    To: Paul
Lathem ([email protected]...
    It seems so…so weird that
someone has died but we just all go on like nothing has happened. There is a
grieving wife and family and I’m just sitting here whining about my life. Seems
terrible to be so insensitive, but then, you know, what are we supposed to do?
Life does go on.
    And please be
careful. No CNN reports this time, k? ;)
    Oh, maybe some good news!
I have a preliminary phone interview for another teaching position. The lady
who called me said that they would do it over the phone so that I didn’t have
to make the trip for a ‘sit-down’ unless I make it to the final three. So
here’s hoping I’m off to New York again real soon. :)
    I hope to hear from you
before you leave.
    RE: Back in the good
ol’ USA
    From: Lathem, Paul R.
LCDR (lathempr@nav...
    Date: Saturday, April 27 08:51
    To: Nic
Stewart (nicas821@ou...
    That’s great news! I’m
sure you will kick ass in the interview. Anyone would have to be blind not to
see how passionate you are about teaching. And I’ve seen how great you are with
kids. Good luck, but I’m sure you won’t need it.
    We are leaving early
tomorrow so this will be my last email for a few days. I’m pretty sure we’ll have
some internet access on base. Sometimes it can be sketchy…not real reliable.
And I’m not sure yet how long we’ll be there. And, if it helps your anxiety,
this is not a mission like the last one. No hostages, no concussion grenades or
C-4. LOL. I’ll be just fine.  I’ll email when I can. I’m really enjoying
getting to you know you better.
    RE: Back in the good
ol’ USA
    From: Nicole Stewart
    Date: Sunday, April 28
10:22 AM
    To: Paul

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