The Ravaged Fairy

The Ravaged Fairy by Anna Keraleigh

Book: The Ravaged Fairy by Anna Keraleigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Keraleigh
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couldn’t remember a single smile, and
she wanted to see those lips lift. Would his features light up? Would he have
one of those devilish grins?
    “Yes?” Thunder sounded above them, the
rain began to fall in fat drops.
    “Why don’t you ever smile?”
    His head tilted slightly as if the
question startled him. “I smile.”
    “You haven’t since I met you.” He leaned
closer. It irked her.
    “Why don’t you give me a reason to smile?”
    Oh. He moved closer still. His breath
mingled with hers. When had she begun to breath so heavy? Her heart thumped
hard, and she feared it would literally jump from its lonely spot to fly into
his arms. Then his lips touched hers and Breena experienced her first kiss.

    Chapter Six
    Thame began slowly, a press of his lips
that had her shifting closer for more. Then his tongue slipped out and urged
her lips apart. His tongue invaded. It dipped in and she fought it with her own.
A little mini battle that made her blood boil and her body softened with desire.
    His kiss is perfect . The hand on her thigh
squeezed, and she tried desperately to keep up with his wild tongue. He pressed
into her, her back touching the swing when his kiss turned feral. His mouth
devoured, and her hands gripped that golden hair. It felt like silk under her
palms. She wanted to explore it more and shifted her hands to his chest. He
gathered her wrists in one hand and held them above her head. His mouth still
worked magic as her breasts thrust out and hard nipples protruded against the
    “Breena...” he whispered and nipped at
her bottom lip.
    She hadn’t realized she closed her eyes
and opened them to stare into his. His kiss changed her world forever. Her
first real kiss and her body still hummed from it.
    “If we don’t stop my dick will be
permanently scarred by this blasted contraption.”
    Her head tilted, what did he just say?
She glanced down and her eyes widened. A bulge filled the crotch of his jeans
and the zipper stretched around the growing appendage. She glanced back up and
her cheeks burned. “I...” she pulled her hands from his grasp. “It’s just...”
Breena stood and her knees nearly gave out. “We...” Her words were pathetic
stutters. “Thanks,” she blurted and instantly wanted to hide in a corner. Did
she really just thank him for a kiss? “What I mean...”
    What did she mean? Where the hell was an
interruption when she needed one? Her thoughts were scattered, wild beasts. Yes,
she wanted him but she was also too scared to admit that aloud. She took a step
back. Cold rain slathered her back. She gasped, turned, and her heel slipped in
the puddle. She landed on the ground in said puddle with the rain pouring above
her. Breena shook her head and simply laid back. Maybe the rain would wash her
away and she wouldn’t have to face Thame again. What kind of woman said thanks
after a kiss? She closed her eyes and felt the cascade of water soak her
    “You look great wet, but I can’t reach
you over there.”
    Was that humor? She jerked open one lid
to see him grinning. An actual grin on his face. His lips tilted slightly up
and this small dimple formed in his cheek. He had dimples; she smiled back at
    “...and you’re welcome.”
    She growled and returned her head back to
the wet grass and frowned as the puddle under her ass seeped through her jeans.
Breena lay there for several seconds. She gladly would have waited until Gran
returned home and then disgracefully rose to her feet but lightning rippled
across the sky. Thunder followed the light show, and she shifted awkwardly to
her knees before returning under the awning with Thame.
    “That was me first kiss and I may have
been...just a wee bit...nervous.” He nodded. Oh shite, was she that bad? She
sat with a wet plop next to him and kept her hands in her lap as her eyes
drifted to the water that battered the shore.
    His fingers gripped her chin and forced her
to stare at

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