scoring high marks with everyone. Well, yes, except for her mother, who Chloe felt was just hating. And Willow, too, was still very suspicious of her sister’s boyfriend. But Chloe told herself she didn’t care what they thought.
liked Trey, and that was all that mattered. Plus, it had been weeks since she last heard from Jason, so she figured Trey had won by default.
    Kim took a sip of her wine cooler, which was wrapped in a brown paper bag in case the police passed through. “I’m glad you’re gonna give the man some ass. He earned it. Trey seems like a good dude. Even though I’m all for taking advantage of niggas, I would hate to see a good dude get his heart broken.”
    Chloe frowned slightly. “I wasn’t taking advantage of Trey.”
    Her friends gave her looks that said,
Give me a break!
    Chloe laughed. “Well, not intentionally, anyway. I’m just not gonna be pressured into giving up my goodies too soon. No amount of clothes, dinners, or material things can make me see my sex as any less precious than it is. That’s all. It’s just as important for me to get what I want as it is for him to get what he wants. So I got most of the things I want—now he can finally get what he wants.”
    Kim nodded. “He’ll be as happy as a faggot in Boystown when he hears that he’s finally gonna get his dick wet.” Theylaughed. “Damn,” Kim said. “I really wish I could find a good guy like that.”
    Chloe sympathized with her friend because she knew Kim attracted the biggest losers. “I know,” she said. “I wish he had a brother we could hook you up with.”
    Kim thought about that. “Does he have any cute friends?”
    “I haven’t met any of his friends,” Chloe admitted, realizing once again just how little of Trey’s world she’d explored.
    Dawn looked at her. “What? All this time you two have been spending together, and you haven’t met a single friend?”
    Chloe shook her head.
    “Well, who does he hang out with when he’s not with you?” Dawn asked.
    Chloe smiled. “He’s always with me,” she said. “When he’s not at work or doing schoolwork, he’s with me. He seems to like it that way.”
    Dawn shook her head. “Maybe he just doesn’t trust you.”
    “That’s not true. He trusts me. He just likes spending time with me.”
    “Well, he met your mom and Willow. Have you met his family?” Kim asked.
    “No. Not yet.” Chloe thought back to the incident at the gas station and the way he’d ignored the phone calls coming from his mother. After Trey’s battle with the woman in the Nissan, Chloe had forgotten to ask him about those calls. But now she wondered what the story was with Trey’s family. He never spoke about them, aside from telling Chloe’s mom that his father still lived in the Bronx. And he’d mentioned that he didn’t have anysiblings. But as she sat in the park with her friends, she realized there was still so much she didn’t know about her man.
    “So then how do you know if he’s even serious about you?” Kim asked. “You haven’t met his family or his friends, and it sounds like you don’t know much about him at all. This could just be a fling to him. Who knows?”
    “It’s not,” Chloe said, waving her hand as if to dismiss the absurdity of her friend’s remark.
    Kim shrugged. “All I’m saying is that Trey is older than you, and he’s probably been in more than a few relationships and maybe this just isn’t as serious to him as you think it is.”
    Chloe was pissed now. “What, are you jealous, Kim?”
    “What? Jealous of who? You?” Kim looked offended.
    “Yeah. I mean, what’s with all the twenty questions?” Chloe sat back and folded her arms across her chest.
    “You’re crazy,” Kim said, though she
slightly envious. She laughed weakly. “I’m happy you found a good guy. You deserve it. Shit, we all do. I’m just asking things that I would want to know if it was me getting ready to have sex with someone.”
    Chloe waved

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