Flirting With Fortune

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Book: Flirting With Fortune by Erin Knightley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Knightley
Tags: Fiction, Historical Romance
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announced, “Sir Colin Tate.”
    Five pairs of eyes turned in his direction, but there was only one gaze he had any interest in. Framed on either side by a matching blond sister, Beatrice smiled at him from her place on the sofa. “Sir Colin, I’m so very glad you decided to join us today.”
    She set down her teacup and came to her feet as he stepped toward the conversation area. She was exceedingly lovely in her simple green-and-white morning gown, her hair loosely arranged atop her head. Though the dim day offered little in the way of flattering lighting, she looked sweet and fresh and almost . . . relieved? The light must be playing tricks on him. “Lady Beatrice, it is a pleasure to see you once more. And Lady Granville, too, of course.”
    Her mother smiled and nodded from her place in front of the tea service. “May I offer you some tea, Sir Colin?”
    “Yes, thank you. Just the thing to take the chill from the day. No sugar or milk, please.”
    Beatrice grinned as his gaze naturally fell back to her. “Allow me to introduce you to my sisters Lady Jocelyn”—the blond head on the right bobbed—“and Lady Carolyn”—the one on the left followed suit. “They will both be making their debuts in the spring.”
    If he’d met them in the street, he never would have known that the twins were younger than Beatrice. Their direct gazes, surprisingly voluptuous figures, and broad smiles were no doubt going to keep Lady Granville on her toes next Season. “Lovely to meet you both.”
    As strange as it was to think, the pair of them were almost too pretty. He much preferred Beatrice’s loveliness, where her sweet but imperfect features made her eminently more approachable. Her slender figure, her wide-set eyes and slightly pointed chin, the way she covered her mouth when she smiled—all of these were endearing to him. His father sought perfection; Colin preferred character.
    She glanced toward the gentleman on the couch, keeping her lips together in something slightly more friendly than a grimace. “Have you met Mr. Godfrey?”
    “Oh, we haven’t
met,” Godfrey answered before Colin could respond. “But I witnessed your induction into society last night. Quite a to-do.”
    There was no mistaking the thinly veiled disgust in the other man’s eyes, even as his voice was all that was pleasant and cordial. Colin dipped his head in a shallow greeting. “Pleased to make your acquaintance, sir.”
    Lady Granville smiled as she handed him a delicate gold-rimmed teacup filled with fragrantly steaming tea. “Mr. Godfrey is the son of the Viscount Ashworth and was just telling us about his latest trip to their country estate.”
    “Yes, for the harvest. Father wishes for me to become more involved in the running of the estate, but I don’t see the need when we have a perfectly good estate manager.” His lips turned up in a sort of condescending amusement as he eyed Colin from the tips of his damp hair to the bottom of his rain-spotted boots. “Men such as yourself may not mind the elements, but I am relieved to be back in the bosom of the city.”
    Ah, so Godfrey was an ass. Now that he had a better handle on the man, Colin took a calm sip of his tea before responding. “A bit of rain was no match for the pleasure of enjoying Lady Granville’s and her daughters’ company.”
    Beatrice’s eyes flashed with gratification as she reseated herself between her sisters. He couldn’t say what made him think it, but he was almost positive her reaction was to his subtle put-down and not the pretty compliment to her and her family.
    “Yes, of course,” Godfrey returned, his eyes narrowing the slightest amount. “I simply prefer to use civilized conveyance when the weather is so dreadfully inclement. Wouldn’t want to sully my hostess’s fine furniture with damp clothing, after all.”
    “Oh, don’t be silly, Mr. Godfrey.” Lady Granville offered them both a steely, determined smile. “We’re in

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