Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All)

Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All) by Cheryl Persons

Book: Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All) by Cheryl Persons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Persons
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denying it.”
    Cassie couldn't argue the fact, as much as she didn't want to admit it.  There was always a thought nagging at her.  What if she hadn't left Avery?  What if Seth would have followed her?   It was two questions that she would never know the answer to, but it would be good to bump into Seth.  They used to be best friends and the day she left she lost that.  Maybe Tiffany was right, she was afraid.  Afraid to find out that she was wrong ten years ago and she left the life that she needed to have behind.  Fear was something Cassie was going to have to get past, because she had to face him someday and that someday had arrived.  “Okay, I'll tell them that I'll go home with them.”
    Tiffany smiled, “Okay, here it's late...stay in my guestroom.”
    “Thanks, Tiff I really needed this talk.”
    “Actually, so did I.”  She replied with a smirk as they headed to the bedrooms.  “It makes me so thankful that I am free and not tied down to one man, relationships...they complicate everything.”
    “Night Tiffany.”
    “Night Cassie, sweet dreams.”
    Cassie closed the door behind her and kicked her shoes off.  She just hoped it wasn't too late to make amends with her sister.  She was happy for Courtney and it was time for her to show it.

C hapter 5
    The next morning Cassie left the house before Tiffany woke up.  She wanted to get to her house and let Courtney know that she was going to be there to support her.  When she pulled into her driveway, she sat there for a moment.  Letting it sink in that the rental Courtney had borrowed wasn't in front of the house.  She couldn't believe they would have left without settling things, but apparently she didn't know her family as well as she thought she did.  When she got in the house, she looked around the rooms and realized that she never realized how lonely it could be, until that moment.  She saw a note lying on the kitchen table and recognized her mother's handwriting immediately.  She quietly read the words to herself.
    Dear Cassie
    When we woke up this morning, I was surprised to see that you were gone.  I had hoped that we would have been able to talk things through, but that obviously didn't happen.  I don't know what happened between you and Courtney last night, but you have to understand where she's coming from.  She was hoping you would be happy for her.  She looks up to you Cassie and she looks like she lost her best friend.  I am guessing that you went off to see Chad last night and decided that making things right with him were more important than what your sister was going through.  You could have at least been here to reconcile with her and not off with Chad doing things that are less than appropriate.  I have to go before Courtney and Brad take off without me, just remember what I said.  Courtney loves you and your blessing means the world to her, please don't disappoint.
    Love, Mom
    Cassie read the note twice, before it fell to the table.  She couldn't believe her mother actually thought she was with Chad the whole night.  True it wasn't so foreign that it couldn't have happened; it just pained her that her mom sounded so disappointed in her.  She picked up her phone and dialed Courtney's number.  It quickly went to her voice-mail and so Cassie dialed up her mother.  She didn't even know what time their flight was going to leave.  When her mom didn't pick up the phone either, Cassie made a phone call to the airport.  “Hi, I was wondering when your next flight is to Dallas?”
    “I'm sorry Miss; the plane just took off about 15 minutes ago.  We have a plane leaving at 6:15 this evening.”
    “I'll take it,” Cassie urgently replied.  She gave her credit card information, thanked the clerk, and hung up the phone.  She was relieved that she didn't have to pack, because her bags were ready for the trip she was supposed to be leaving on the next day.  She would make Courtney see that she wasn't a heartless

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