Forbidden Love
hers, sending heat surging through her body, reawakening the passion from last night.
    “You are mine, Keta. Since the attack, I never felt as though I belonged, always torn between doing what was right for the clan, and doing what’s right for the wolves. You’ve changed that, made me feel like I have a place in this world, just as you have and I will do everything I can to heal you from your pain. If I challenge the pack and win, I’ll have no ties to the wolves and we can be our own pack, instead of connected to all of them, yet have no place in any.”
    Keta’s stomach lurched and her heart hammered in her chest. When she raised her hands, they shook. You would do that for me?
    Elijah took Keta’s hands in his and kissed each shaking finger. “Keta.” Elijah pressed his lips to her nose. “I would do anything for you.”
    Keta sucked in a shaky breath and turned her head away. Tears burned in her eyes and she wiped them away before they fell. Not once had anyone ever put her first, or done anything for her. She had always been the one to help others, to put their needs before her own. Always.
    Which made the betrayal hurt so much more.
    Keta squeezed her eyes shut and swallowed the lump in her throat. Slowly, she nodded.
    She kept her eyes closed, trying to control her hammering heart and the tears sliding down her cheeks as Elijah pulled her up and held her close.
    Could she tell him the truth about herself?
    Would he abandon her if he found out?

Chapter Seven
    The air was cold, making Elijah’s and Keta’s breath rise in a mist in front of them as they stood in the shadows of the trees nearby. Like the other mansions the vampires owned, this one was large and surrounded by trees that stretched out all around. Any women screaming would never been heard by human hearing.
    Elijah clenched his teeth at the thought. If he could kill the vampires for what they did, he would.
    Shaking with anger slightly, Elijah pulled Keta close to him and put his lips near her ear. He instantly felt calm in her presence. “I’m going to go in through the front. I want you to go in through the back. They’ll not be surprised with my appearance, but when they run and see you, we’re guaranteed to have their attention then.”
    “No killing vampires, I mean it.”
    Keta rolled her eyes and shoved him away from her. She pulled out her crossbow and, stake ready, smiled widely.
    Elijah growled and pulled her against him. Even the feel of a stake against his chest didn’t faze him as he took her face in his hands and kissed her deeply, exploring her mouth and tongue with his own until the crossbow and stake dropped from her hands and she clutched him tight.
    He chuckled and moved back, his body burning for her touch. “When this is over, Keta.”
    After narrowing her eyes, she closed them and inhaled deeply.
    Elijah clenched his fists as he watched her breasts rise and fall. When Keta opened her eyes, he licked his lips as Keta bent to retrieve her crossbow and stake. When she straightened, she cocked an eyebrow and turned towards the mansion they were going to raid.
    Don’t forget to shout surprise.
    Elijah chuckled and headed towards the building. “I will, you know.”
    Keta shook her head. Be careful.
    “You be careful. Remember what I said about not killing anyone.”
    Keta nodded before jogging around the building.
    Elijah rolled his head and held a machine gun in both hands before kicking the front door hard. It flew off its hinges and slammed into the wall opposite as he stepped into the house, pointing his guns at the vampires. “Don’t move and I won’t shoot!” As he thought, they ignored him. Some rushed to gather the piles of money on the tables. Others went for their weapons.
    Elijah shot them in the legs and watched the others run towards the back of the house. He smiled as he walked towards the injured vampires. “Try to reach for your weapons, and I’ll make sure I blow your leg off

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