Forbidden the Stars
of 152, but of indeterminate substance or identification.”
    Michael chewed on his lip.
    “And…?” he pressed after a moment.
    “Also, a 489.”
    “Oh. Damn.” He nodded to the assistant. “We’re already on our way. Fifteen minutes.”
    “Thank you, Director.” The assistant severed the connection.
    Michael hung up the comm line.
    “So what’s a 152 and 489?” The Minister asked, raising one brow.
    “A 152 is a ‘Find.’ A discovery of a mineral or ore lode.”
    “That’s good, then.”
    “Indeterminate. We get an average of a dozen 152s a week.
    “—A 489,” Michael informed him solemnly, “we don’t get so often. It means there’s been an accident, and there are multiple deaths involved.”
    The silence in the limo stretched out for a full minute, and then Alliras nodded.
    “Then by all means, let’s not spare the horses.”

    USA, Inc. Exploration Site :
    Mission Orcus 1 :
    Pluto :
    On the bridge DMR casement of the Orcus 1 , and simulcast on their workstation monitors and palm puters, the NASA insignia appeared along with the emblems from the Canadian Space Exploration division, the European Space Agency, the Japan Conglomeration Space Enterprises, and the People’s Republic of China Space Program, all of whom had joined the Pluto mission under NASA authority.
    Justine scrutinized every digiface character that appeared on the screen.
    The report had been sent in binary code; a video uplink was thought too expensive for routine communications. The power requirements of AV at that distance were astronomical, to say the least.
    The computer translated the message:
    Orcus 1
    Mission Control, NASA, USA, Inc.
    Dis Pater
    The glyph on the last row, last column is confirmed as Mayan Hieroglyph, circa 700 AD
    “Behold the Mighty Door of Kinich Ahua; Eternity is Now Before You; Be Ware the Power of Kukulcan.”
    Discontinue initial mission. Dis Pater primary priority. Local authority granted.
    CEO Frank Madison, USA, Inc.
    Director William Tuttle, NASA
    CEO Pierre Dolbeau, Canada Corp.
    Thomas Granville, Minister of CSE
    Dir. Lassen Kruger, ESA
    Dir. Vic Tong, Japan Cong. space enterprises
    Honorable Tung Jo, PRC Space program
    Loud conversation broke out immediately, threatening to escalate into argument.
    “What does that mean, ‘Behold the Mighty Door of Kinich Ahua; Eternity is Now Before You; Be Ware the Power of Kukulcan’?”
    “And what does ‘local authority’ mean?”
    “What do they expect us to do?”
    “Who is going to be in charge? The Mission Chief? Or the Science Chief?”
    Johan Belcher asked, “Are there any more details?”
    Henrietta had a concerned look on her face. “Are they keeping us in the dark on purpose?”
    “Is there more? Does Captain Turner have a private message?” George Eastmain demanded.
    That last question brought silence as all turned to her for an answer. Justine, in turn, glanced at Helen. “Is there anything for me?”
    The First Mate/Navigator of the mission blinked a number of times. It was against regulations to reveal even the existence of coded military messages to the Science Team, but it was obvious the captain wanted to allay suspicion among the Team.
    Slowly, she nodded, yes.
    “Bring it up.”
    Helen hesitated. “Captain,” she began to protest.
    “Bring it up,” Justine reiterated, her tone forceful and full of command. She brooked no disobedience.
    “Very well.” The Canadian turned to her comm computer and tapped in a few passages, giving the preliminary codes. She turned to Justine. “Captain?”
    Nodding, Justine said out loud, “Voice print confirmation: Captain Justine Churchill Turner, Orcus 1 . Security Code: Alpha-Alpha-Alpha-Zeta-Alpha-Turkey-Chicken-Rat.” There were a few chuckles, despite the tension.
    The on-board AI replied, “Confirmation acknowledged, Captain.”
    Justine added in a mock

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