Forbidden the Stars
imperious tone, “Just so everyone knows, I’m changing the code after this.” That elicited a few more chuckles.
    On the bridge DMR casement, the NASA insignia was replaced by the CEO of USA, Inc.’s official emblem. Unlike the binary EPS, this message was an AV communication, with a length of two minutes, fourteen seconds. The cost for that brief message was in the thousands of dollars.
    On screen, the image of CEO Frank Madison and Director William Tuttle appeared, both seated on a couch in Camp David.
    The Director spoke first. “I won’t waste time, Captain Turner. No doubt you received the translation of the inscription on that artifact yew called Dis Pater by now. I know, I know. The words mean nothing without a frame of reference. We’ve got top Mayanologists and cryptologists working on it right now with our best technical and theological experts.
    “For now, I want you to inform the Science Team that they should proceed with utmost care, but with utmost urgency in trying to solve the mystery of Dis Pater ; we need as much information as possible.”
    The CEO, the most powerful man in America—and some said, the world—interrupted the Director.
    “Since the discovery, we’ve had a number of summit meetings with the involved agencies represented by the Science Team up there, as well as with most of the other countries. There is a widespread movement to make public any and all findings. But the five agencies who are in cooperation on this project are in a position to keep the upper hand with our discovery.
    “It’s political chaos down here. It is imperative that we have some solid information before making any kind of arrangement with any country outside the five. Therefore, we are depending on you to ride herd on those scientists up there. Bring us something we can use.”
    The Director of NASA took over again. “Justine, no matter what, I want you to make sure no lives are in danger. Come back to us safely. There’s a promotion waiting for you upon arrival.” He smiled and gave a quick nod of his head.
    The NASA insignia transposed itself over the frozen image, and then the casement went blank.
    The argument that threatened to boil over from the collected scientists was cut off as Helen’s voice cut through the growing roar of protest.
    “Captain! We’ve got something on the spectrograph sensor at the artifact site.’
    She stared up at Justine, her eyes widened to the size of saucers.
    “It’s the Dis Pater .”
    Her voice throaty, she spoke in a breathless rush. “It’s… reacting.”

    SMD Catalogue :
    Largest Asteroids :
    by diameter (kms) :
    1. Ceres – 952
    2. Pallas – 544
    3. Vesta – 529
    4. Hygiea – 431
    5. Intermenia – 326
    6. Europa – 301
    7. Davida – 289
    8. Sylvia – 286
    9. Cybele – 273
    10. Eunomia – 268
    - - -
    42. Macklin’s Rock – 148

    SMD Event Center :
    Ottawa :
    Canada Corp. :
    Michael and Alliras arrived at the SMD Event Center twelve minutes after speaking with Raymond Magrath. Taking the Colonel-By thoroughfare, they made it to the large neo-mod building in the southern section of Ottawa, near Gloucester and the international airport.
    Inside the Event Center, the two men made their way to the seventh floor, Operations. Stepping off the conveyor tube, they entered organized chaos.
    Technicians and operators were hustling back and forth, hovering over computers and monitors. All along the walls of the enormous room, giant DMR casements showed schematics of Earth, Luna, and the other planets. One showed the entire Sol System, with running statistics on each view scrolling up the legend casements. Most of the smaller monitors showed various asteroids in the belt.
    Rows of desks housing computers and DMR casements divided the floor of the Event Center. Technicians and operators took up every available space.
    Filled to capacity, the room held more people than would be present under normal circumstances.

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