Forever (Cruiser & Lex, Book 3)

Forever (Cruiser & Lex, Book 3) by Dee J. Stone

Book: Forever (Cruiser & Lex, Book 3) by Dee J. Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee J. Stone
the procedure, isn’t it? Mom wants to do it.”
    Dad closes the newspaper, giving me his full attention. “You remember how determined she was after Rosie’s accident. The only thing she saw in her eyes was her little girl walking again.”
    I sit down near him and nod.
    “I think she was ready to put it all behind her and accept things for what they are. But now with Jamie’s procedure…”
    “It’s like she’s back to that person.”
    He nods.
    “Dad, if there’s a slight chance Rosie can walk again—a slight chance—would you let her do it?”
    “I don’t want another speech about how it’s impossible to repair a damaged spine and how these doctors are filling the poor kids with false hope. What if Jamie’s procedure is a success?”
    He sighs again. “We need to take one step at a time. Even if it is a success, there’s no telling how long it will take for him to start moving his legs again, or what effect it will have on him. I don’t want Rosie having false hope in her heart.” He leans closer to rest his hand over mine. “I want to continue living the way we did before, before Jamie signed up for the procedure. If it is a success, we’ll deal with it then. Okay?”
    “Okay. But can you and Mom please stop arguing? It’s not exactly making Rosie feel good. She notices more than you think.”
    “I know.” He rubs my hand again.
    My phone beeps. Holly is outside. “My ride’s here.” I get up and kiss Dad’s cheek. “Bye.”
    “Have a good day.”
    Holly talks about the meet tomorrow on our way to school. I’m really nervous, but it’s easy to push those feelings away and focus on other things, like Cruiser coming home tomorrow. He told me he wouldn’t miss my meet for anything, but he’s weak and I’m not sure if it’s a good idea for him to come. I wanted to ask him if he’s going back to his Dad’s or if he’ll move back in with his Mom, but I didn’t think it was a good idea to bring it up. I guess I just have to accept whatever choice he makes.
    My teammates are talking excitedly as Holly and I enter the gym. Some of them are reviewing a few of the hard moves in our routine. I change into my gym clothes and start stretching. My mind should be on dance, but it’s on Cruiser. Now that he’ll be out of the hospital and back in the real world, the gravity of what happened to him will probably hit him hard. Maybe he’ll be a little scared. I mean, he was attacked .
    “I want nothing but perfection,” Coach Lewis says. She plays our track and off we go. As the beat of the music travels through my body, I force myself to get rid of any thought that is not related to dance. It’s not easy because I can’t help but think about Cruiser like twenty-four-seven, but dance is my future. I really want to have that as my career. I won’t think about how hard it’ll be for Cruiser and me to make it work, because we will make it work. I hope. No, I know .
    “Focus, Lex!” Coach calls. “You’re missing your cues.”
    I shove all my thoughts aside and focus on dance. One of my poms splats in my face. Coach gives me a disappointed look.
    “Come on, Lex!” Holly encourages.
    A little voice in my mind reminds me that I’m in the running for the scholarship, which means I have to put my head in the game.
    When practice is done, I’m all sweaty and gross. I take a quick shower and head to my locker for my books. Dani’s leaning against it. “Hi,” I tell her.
    “Hey. Haven’t seen much of you.”
    “I know. I’m sorry. I’ve been spending like every second at the hospital. Do you know Cruiser’s coming home tomorrow?” I bounce on my heels.
    “You only texted me that information like ten million times.”
    I laugh. “Sorry. I guess I’m a little excited.”
    “I don’t blame you.”
    Once I gather my books, Dani and I head to class. “So…” she says.
    “So what?” I ask.
    “Did you guys reclaim your status or what?”
    “I think

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