Forever Love (Fghter Club 1)
fight club so he
could help me get my frustrations out in a more acceptable way and
that's where it all started. I became very popular quite quickly
because all my focus was on my fighting. I was winning every fight.
I was making big money....I mean thousands some nights but I soon
got a bad ass reputation and men wanted to take me on all the time.
It went to my head and I loved the fact that I was powerful. God, I
thought I was indestructible. All I had to do was look at someone
and they would run. I was young and thought I was clever after all.
One night I went out and a group of six guys started fighting me. I
was doing well on my own until one of them smacked me over the head
with a stool and that's when Sam and Matt came back into my life.
Man you should see them, Sam is the violent but silent type, if you
get in his face he'll just stand there and take it and then all of
a sudden just knock you out. Matt is still the same loud, in your
face, loves himself but hard as fucking nails. You look at him
wrong and he’ll punch your nose to the back of your head. Anyway
when I had managed to save a lot of money I wanted to help people
who had been a similar situation as mum and dad so I set up my own
loan company but didn't have the high interest that others do and I
also had a repayment plan where they paid me what they could afford
each month, so if they could only pay twenty pound one month then
one hundred pound the next then fair enough. But people started
taking advantage and treating me like an idiot. I did my books one
month and saw that I had lent out nearly eight hundred thousand
pounds and only fifteen percent of my customers were paying me
back. I got Matt and Sam to come with me and visit people, I just
wanted to shake them up a bit and start getting my money back but
because of my bad ass reputation people started to fear me or fight
me. So that’s how I ended up how I am today. I'm not proud of it
Alexia but when you try to do something to help and they take the
piss, you get very annoyed. To this day I have people owing
hundreds of thousands of pounds to me.’ Alexia sat there with her
mouth open shocked. ‘Well then, I need to pay my dads debt off to
you then don't I.’
    ‘ Alexia, I've already said
no to you and I've written it off, I won't hear anymore of it,’ he
said firmly and she knew not to push it when he was in that mood.
‘When are the kids coming home?’ He said whilst moving her hair out
off her face.
    ‘ Not for another three
    ‘ Good,’ he stood up, took
the cup out of her hand and put it on the side. Her breathing had
already hitched up as she knew exactly what was going to
    He grabbed her face and kissed
her deep and passionately and she grabbed hold of his shirt to stop
her falling. He pulled back and looked at her. ‘Where's your
bedroom?’ She grabbed his hand and led him upstairs.
    ‘ MUM,’ the twins shouted
as they came in through the front door. Alexia and James jumped out
of bed. ‘FUCK,’ she whisper shouts. Looking horrified at each other
at nearly being caught, James then smiled and put his hand over his
mouth as he tried not to laugh out loud. Alexia glared at him
whilst getting dressed quickly. ‘It’s not funny James!’ She ran to
the door but before she opened it she stepped back to look in the
mirror and noticed that she had her top on back to front and inside
out. ‘Fuck,’ she mumbles to herself and as she sorted it out James
went over to her, grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her hard
on the lips. ‘Get them in the kitchen and I’ll sneak out,’ he says
as he took a business card out of his pocket, ‘Here’s my number,
call or text me about next week.’
    She smiled at him, ‘Ok, I’ll see
you soon,’ and with that she ran out the door and downstairs. As
she got to the bottom Tracy looked at her and did a double take,
her mouth opened in surprise and she started pointing between her
and the top of the stairs

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