Forever Together (Forever Love #2)

Forever Together (Forever Love #2) by Jade Whitfield

Book: Forever Together (Forever Love #2) by Jade Whitfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jade Whitfield
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help me. Pulling the phone to my ear, I wait.
    "Hello." A voice answers.
    "Hey Deena, I need your help." Yep, this is definitely my best plan yet.

Chapter 5
    "Are you ok?" Liv asks as I stir my coffee for what must be the ten millionth time.
    "Sure, yeah. So tell me about your wedding plans."
    Liv soon starts telling me about flowers and confetti and cake samples and all of the other stuff that apparently goes into a wedding. My mind can’t grip onto anything she’s saying though. It’s too busy stuck on what happened earlier. Though time has moved on since then, my brain is still stuck in his arms on the sidewalk.
    Liv hasn’t mentioned me trying to escape and as soon as we sat back down in Annabelle’s, she acted as though Brady was never even here. I wish I could forget but I couldn’t. The memory of being held in his strong arms against his hard chest, the way his brown eyes penetrated me. It’s all I could think about. When I fell, all I kept wishing for was for the ground to swallow me up whole. When his arms grabbed onto me and stopped me from smashing my face against the concrete, I didn’t know whether to be relieved or pissed. Pissed that I had the worst luck that in running from my ex-boyfriend I fell over and the same person I was running from had to rescue me from breaking something, namely my face. The way it felt being in his arms though, it was indescribable, like coming home.
    I was busy trying to think of ways to make myself invisible when I thanked him and then his next words just sent me into a complete tailspin. When he said "I'll always catch you", I just about melted on the spot. They were the same words he said to me at Tucker's graduation party, when he told me he'd love me always and we'd be forever together. I could almost cry with how happy we were back then, how much we had to look forward to. And that look he gave me when he said it was as if he was looking into my very soul. One thing is for sure, Brady obviously has the same effect on me he always has and that’s something to be wary of. Brady Cooper has wreaked havoc on my heart too many times to count, I don’t know if it would survive him again. No, I know for a fact that it would never survive him again.
    "Cindy, Cindy are you even listening to me?" Liv's voice startles me and I shoot my head up to see her with her perfectly shaped eyebrows raised and a small smile touching her tips. "I hope you're thinking of something good."
    I let out a small nervous laugh that comes out more like a strangled moan. I pick the spoon up again and drop it into what I’m sure is now cold coffee and start stirring again before Liv's hand clutches onto mine in a bid to halt it.
    "You wanna talk about it?" She asks and I tense. There is absolutely no way I want to talk about it.
    "No." I squeak.
    "Ok." She shrugs and leans back in her seat.
    "That’s it? You’re not gonna start shaking me and demanding for me to talk?"
    "Nope, that wouldn’t work anyway. I trust that when you’re ready to talk about it you will."
    I nod as if that makes perfect sense when in fact, it makes no sense at all. Shouldn’t she be forcing me to talk about it? Shouldn’t she be telling me to get a grip and pull my head out of my ass? Strangely, I think I would have preferred it that way. At least then I wouldn’t have to try and dig my way out of this by myself.
    We sit in silence for a few minutes and though I think it’s incredibly awkward, Liv doesn’t even seem to notice or at least I don’t think she does.
    "So, what colors did you say you're using again?" I ask, not able to handle the quietness for one second longer.
    "Oh, silver and mint."
    "Mint?" That sounds kinda icky.
    "It sounds totally ugly but actually it's pretty damn amazing. I had to pick quickly since Pam had her heart set on pink and I'd rather jump in the damn river than have that. Don’t worry, your dress is totally cute and with your hair it's gonna look even better."
    "I’m not sure

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