to have the best chance of survival. Worst case scenario, we’ll have to take the baby early by c-section.”
    I cross my arms across my chest and fall back against the wall directly behind me. “So there is still a chance the baby might not make it?”
    I’m amazed at how this young girl can deliver such horrible news to me in the kindest, most compassionate manner. She purses her lips and nods her head in affirmation. She reaches out and places her hand on my forearm. Her touch isn’t like the touch of most women. It’s a sympathetic, affirming touch. “Just know we’re doing everything we can, and as cliché as it sounds, there is no better place she could be right now than right where she is.”
    I close my eyes and look away. When I glance back to her, I give her a small smile. “Thank you for that.” She goes to leave, but I have to stop her. “One more question?”
    “Sure. Shoot.”
    “How long should I plan to be here with her? I mean is this something that she will recover from in a couple of days, a week?”
    “Oh gosh, I’m sorry. I should have been more clear. We’re just waiting on her room. She will be here until she delivers that baby. Unfortunately, for all of your sake, I hope it’s a long hospitalization.”
    And everything in my world halts. I feel so many emotions. I’m definitely not used to this. “Right. Thank you again for your time.”
    “My pleasure. Let me know if I can get you anything to make you more comfortable.”
    “Will do.”
    After she walks away, I drop my head and say a quick prayer for them. I didn’t want the baby to be mine, but I didn’t want any harm to come to either of them. It seems trivial at this point who the father of this child is. The bottom line is that they both need all the support they can get.
    “Hey you,” she whispers.
    I jump up and am at her side instantly because this room or whatever you want to call it is so small. “Hey. How do you feel?”
    She rubs her stomach and eyes the monitor. “The baby’s okay?”
    “Yeah, so far so good.”
    “Well then I’m fine as long as she’s fine.”
    I can’t help but smile. I agree with her. As long as she’s fine, I’m fine. “So you were in labor and didn’t know it?”
    “Well, I’m glad you’re here. Everything’s going to be okay.”
    “I hope so.”
    “Me, too,” I mutter as I slide my hands into my pocket and look down. I really do hope this little girl got her mother’s ability to fight and win.

I wait until Veronica has gone back to sleep to step outside to call Gabby. I had stepped away only briefly a little earlier to let my Mom know to call Dad to have him pick her up and take her home. I wasn’t ready to go through the arsenal of questions that I am sure she’s had nothing but time to formulate. I had no intentions of leaving yet.
    They have moved Veronica to a room, which thank goodness has more comfortable accommodations. I have no idea what my plans are regarding her. It sounds like it’s just a waiting game at this point. I don’t want to leave her alone, but I really don’t want to be here any longer than I have to be.
    I know this will take a toll on Gabby emotionally. I’m sure she’s wondering where I am and what is going on because I haven’t called to check in with her like I normally do during my day. I briefly feel my blood start to boil as I think about the fact that this time for us shouldn’t be complicated at all. And all of this over a child that I don’t even know belongs to me.
    I get up and walk into the hall to the nurses station. I tap the shoulder of Veronica’s nurse and she jumps. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” I smile and look towards the exit. “I need to step outside and make a phone call.” Pointing to my phone I mutter, “No service in here.”
    She nods her head. “Yeah, sucks, I know. It’s no problem. We have monitors out here, so we know what’s going on with her.”
    “I just wanted to

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