Forgotten Mage

Forgotten Mage by D.W. Jackson

Book: Forgotten Mage by D.W. Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.W. Jackson
granddad,” Faye said, her
eyes watering. “He hates mages,” she said with a downcast
    Bren didn’t understand why she was so
worried about her gift, but decided not to press the issue. He knew
that it didn’t matter if she tried to hide it, sooner or later she
would have to come to accept it. That was if his father’s friends
had told him the truth. “Magic isn’t just something you can do,”
Bren said, saying the same thing he had been told hundreds of times
over during his life. “It is a part of who you are.”
    Faye didn’t say anything, instead she
pulled away from him and moved toward the small wagon that had
brought them. Bren silently followed behind her and when he reached
the wagon he noticed Doren’s disapproving glare. The same glare
that his mother had given him all too often. He wasn’t sure what he
had done to deserve it, but he was sure that he would learn soon
    The ride home was uncomfortably silent
until Clair asked Faye how the night had went. “I had fun,” Was all
she said as she gave Bren a pleading look.
    As soon as the wagon stopped, Faye
rushed into the house leaving Bren behind with a worried mother who
instantly pulled him aside. “What happened that has her so worked
up?” Clair asked worriedly.
    “I don’t know,” Bren replied, dodging
the question.
    “Don’t give me that,” Clair said,
giving him a disapproving look. “I know something happened and from
the way she kept sneaking glances at you, I know you had a part in
it. Now, you will either tell me what it was or prince or not I’ll
take you out back and blister your hide.”
    “I don’t think I should say anything,”
Bren replied almost pleadingly. He knew that Faye wanted her secret
to remain one, but he didn’t see a way out of the situation without
revealing it.
    Just tell her what she wants
to know. There is no reason for you to be punished for something
that you have no reason to hide. They will find out sooner or later
and I promise you, it will be better for both of you if it’s
    Thuraman’s words echoed in his mind and
while the staff was mostly full of useless advice, this time the
words struck home. It was true that Faye couldn’t hide it forever
and even if she could, it would only end badly for her. Taking a
deep breath and letting out a quick prayer that he was doing the
right thing, Bren looked Clair in the eyes. “Tonight Faye used
magic. She was really worried about it so please don’t be too hard
on her.”
    Clair muttered a line of curses and
started to pace behind the wagon. “Are you sure?” She asked after a
few moments.
    “Yes, it was hard to miss at the time,”
Bren said confidently. “She was scared that Doren would hate her
for it.”
    Clair gave him a worried look then
after a few moments let out a long sigh. “I can see why she would
think that, but as gruff as that old goat is, I don’t think it
would sit badly on him, at least not for long. He blames the mages
for his sons and brother’s death during the war, but he would never
take it out on Faye. He dotes on that poor girl.” Clair continued
to pace back and forth for a few moments and Bren was forced to sit
and watch, too afraid to move.
    Noticing that Bren was still there,
Clair gave him an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, this isn’t really
your problem. I will talk to Faye and Doren, you just go inside and
get some rest.”
    Bren did as he was told and went to
his room. Looking around, he started to think how much he would
miss the place after he was gone. Unlike the palace, this place
felt warmer and more like a real home. As he drifted off to sleep,
Bren dreamt about what it would be like to spend the rest of his
life on such a small farm.
    Thad still couldn’t believe that he was
sitting and talking with Humanius, the god that had created the
brotherhood. The god looked much like any other human with the
exception of his silvery skin.
    “Why did you try to kill all the
mages?” Thad

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