Forward Passes (Seattle Lumberjacks)

Forward Passes (Seattle Lumberjacks) by Jami Davenport

Book: Forward Passes (Seattle Lumberjacks) by Jami Davenport Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jami Davenport
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didn’t see the object of their attention. Unless ...
    What the fuck? Jim had asked to meet with him at noon today at the VC.
    His sharp quarterback gaze zeroed in on a hand-printed sign on the side of the building. Tyler Harris autograph session here today from noon to two. $3 per autograph .
    They were charging for his autograph? Scowling, Tyler pushed past the line at the door and entered the building. He stalked past the meeting room, but not before he noticed a table setup with a stack of photographs just waiting to be signed. Double Fuck.
    Someone was wading in some deep shit, and he suspected Lavender’s boots were sinking deeper. Striding into the bar, he paused inside the doorway to plan his next move. His uncle’s attorney, Jim, who’d recently quit smoking, sat in the corner of the bar chewing on gum and shredding a napkin while he stuffed popcorn in his face. The other geriatrics at his table sipped on coffee and watched a basketball game on television. Lavender, his lead suspect, was nowhere to be found.
    “What the hell is going on?” Tyler stood in front of Jim wearing his best fuck-with-me-and-you-die expression.
    Five pairs of eyes stared at him with mock innocence. Finally Jim spoke, “We’re having an autograph party. Didn’t I tell you why we invited you here today?”
    “Like hell you didn’t.”
    The blind old goat shrugged and added salt to his coffee. “Sorry, I overlooked it.”
    “You can’t charge for my autograph without my consent.”
    “It’s for a good cause.” Jim took a sip of his coffee and made a face. He squinted at the salt shaker.
    “I don’t give a fuck.”
    Lavender appeared, tip jar in hand. She slammed the jar on the table and faced him with hands on her hips. He stuffed a five in it. As little as she was, she resembled an angry fairy, hardly intimidating. He snorted his disdain.
    “It’s for the town’s senior services fund.”
    “And that’s my problem how?” He didn’t like being taken advantage of, he didn’t give a damn what the cause was.
    Lavender got in his face, or tried to. Instead her nose pretty much hit around chest level even though she stood on tip-toes. Her brown eyes blazed with fury. Tyler glowered down at her, reveling in his height advantage. Nobody manipulated him like this.
    “Do you have any idea how the economy has affected the people on these islands? At the same time, the senior service’s funding is being cut. We need the funds to provide things like free meals to shut-ins.”
    “I’m outta here.”
    Jim stood up and laid the shredded napkin on the table in a pile with the others. His sly smile backed Tyler up a step. “So you’re willing to forfeit the mansion?”
    Tyler stopped dead in his tracks. “What?”
    “Your cooperation is one of the stipulations in your uncle’s will.”
    “Signing autographs? I truly doubt that.”
    “Yes, the fine print says you’re required to participate fully in the island experience as a responsible citizen, activities to be determined at my discretion.”
    “No. Fucking. Way. I’m calling my sister, the attorney.” Turning his back on Jim and Lavender, he dialed his sister, Freddie. The conversation was short and tense. He listened in disbelief as she confirmed the old geezer’s claims.
    Jabbing the End button with his finger, Tyler crammed his phone in his pocket and turned to face Jim and Lavender. “It’s against my contract. I can’t sell autographs.”
    “Then you have a problem, don’t you?”
    “No, you do.”
    The old goats elbowed each other and chuckled as if this was funny.
    “Like hell I do.”
    “I’m sure your team will understand. Sign or forfeit Twin Cedars.”
    Tyler waged a silent war with himself. Flipping them off and walking out would give him a moment of satisfaction. On the other hand, he’d be damned if he’d lose the property to these group of idiots.
    Turning to Jim, he held out a hand. “Give me a fucking pen.”
    * * * * *
    Lavender wouldn’t

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