Fragrance of Revenge

Fragrance of Revenge by Dick C. Waters Page A

Book: Fragrance of Revenge by Dick C. Waters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dick C. Waters
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Thrillers
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different location for a money drop next time, even though this could be his last request for money.
    He was coming up to a stop sign and slowed. Four men jumped out from both sides of the street from between parked cars. They were intent on his car and now waiting for him to stop. He wasn’t going to take the chance and gunned the car almost hitting two of the men. They immediately starting running and he thought they might be headed to their own vehicle.
    He had wanted to turn at that intersection, but now he was in a similar neighborhood. A car was pulling out onto the narrow street ahead of him and he saw headlights in his rear view mirror. He gunned the car again and almost hit the front fender of the car as he passed. The car stopped dead in the road, the driver probably in shock. The other car’s headlights were behind it now.
    Fifteen long minutes later he was parked around the corner from Dr. Adler’s house. Most of these homes had garages and long driveways, so parking was easy. However his car was noticeable along the deserted street.
    He opened the bag and felt the hundred dollar bills. He closed the bag and pushed it under the passenger seat. There was no one on the street, which was not a surprise since it was after midnight. He turned the interior light switch off and opened the car door. Two minutes later he was at the good doctor’s house, but the lights were all off.
    Chris knew the layout of the house having been there once before. He thought about using his key, but decided to go around the back of the house to be sure there were no lights on in the rear. He took his time making sure not to hit anything. When he came around the back of the house he noticed a glow on the grass. He silently headed to the light source.
    It was coming from two basement windows. He checked the rest of the house out and there was only a light coming from an upstairs room. He went over to the closest basement window and peered in. The light was coming from a small lamp on a nightstand. Then he saw a nude figure on a bed.
    It was Alexis, and she was naked and tied to the bed posts. Her ankles were being held by ropes. There were ropes also at the head posts. Although the window was covered in dust he could make out her features. Her long red hair was spread out covering the pillow and the top of the sheet above her head. She had her eyes closed and looked like she was in pain.
    He tried to see if there was anyone else in the room, but he couldn’t see that far beyond the foot of the bed. Her body glistened in the faint light of the room. She was covered with sweat, but she looked as stunning as she did last night. He saw her body move suddenly and then saw what had hit her.
    It gave the impression of a dozen separate shoelaces all attached to a single cord. Oh my God, she was being whipped. The separate strands moved down across her naked body. Then they quickly came down across her flesh again. He thought he heard her scream, but couldn’t be sure.
    He moved to the other window and looked down into the room. This time he was near the head of the bed and could see another person’s leg near the foot of the bed. He strained against the far side of the window and saw the good doctor. Doctor Adler was naked as she was and was obviously enjoying what he was doing.
    He looked back at Alexis and realized her hands weren’t tied, but were holding onto the ropes. She was free to let go and stop this at any time. The lashes crashed against her body, but it looked like she was either trying to move away, or trying to reach the tendrils.
    He lost count of the number of lashes, but even with the dirt covered window he could see the red marks on her pure white body. He was very excited and remembered watching her shower the night before. He wondered if they had been doing this or similar things for the hours since they left the care facility.
    He thought about his next actions. If I entered the house and went downstairs

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