for more information, Drum shouted again. He took a step back from Harley as her gaze shot to Drum’s and he saw disappointment flash across her face. Knowing she wanted to keep talking to him as much as he wanted to talk to her, Kade had to keep his grip tight on Buck’s lead to keep from reaching out and touching her.
    Be smart, Kade.
    “See you on Friday, Princess Buttercup,” he told her Yorkie.
    Harley started to speak as he turned but hesitated, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. Watching her pink tongue swipe her bottom lip caused Kade to grind his teeth. After more than two years without a woman, having the one he’d dreamt about within his reach, yet not being able to touch her, was just about all he could take. What he wanted to do was wrap his hand around her neck, then pull her in for a kiss that would curl both their toes. What he wanted to do, however, and what he could do came crashing back down around him when he saw Drum ready to escort him back to his cell.
    When he reached Drum with Buck in tow, he turned and took in Harley one last time before he left. She was watching him as well, dressed in ratty jean shorts, an OP tee, and tennis shoes. She wasn’t dressed to impress, she was dressed real, clean, innocent looking; and from where he stood, she was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.
    “Don’t get any ideas, Kingston. You’re gonna be a guest with us for a while. A woman like that won’t wait around for a killer. She’s probably got some surfer dude waiting for her when she gets home.”
    Kade shot Drum a look that would have made most men cower. Drum only chuckled, unfazed by his scowl and not the least bit concerned that the man shooting daggers at him stood a good four inches taller, outweighed him by thirty pounds of raw muscle, and wanted to put his fist into his jaw. Two years ago, a man wouldn’t dare laugh at him; now, he was reduced to asking for permission to take a piss.
    With one last look at Harley, Kade exited the room and they made their way back to cellblock C. When they arrived five minutes later, Kade decided to take Buck outside to practice. He wound his way to the side yard where there was plenty of grass, out of the way of the other inmates. Buck sniffed his surroundings, then took a piss on one of the poles connecting the chain-link fencing. Buck and he had quickly formed a bond which had helped in his training. Kade could let him off-lead and Buck wouldn’t wander off out of fear of the other inmates and not wanting to let Kade out of his sight.
    While he bent at the waist unhooking Buck’s lead, movement towards the parking lot caught his eye. Renault was a minimum-security prison set up like military barracks with only chain link and razor wire keeping the prisoners in. Because of this, visitors could see the prisoner during their time in the yard. However, the guards generally didn’t allow the prisoners to converse with the public, so Kade never paid attention past his yard. Turning his head towards the parking lot, he saw Harley standing with her back to him watching as Buttercup walked around looking for a spot to relieve herself. Kade’s eyes scanned the length of her body, memorizing every curve as she stood silently in the yard, but he didn’t try to get her attention. Then, as if she could feel his eyes on her, she turned slowly and locked eyes with him. Her mouth pulled into a sexy grin and she waved. He forgot his earlier promise to steer clear of her as much as possible when she smiled and Kade silently willed her to bridge the distance between them. After only a moment’s hesitation, Harley picked up Buttercup and started towards Kade as if she could hear his thoughts.
    “You’re working off-lead?” she inquired when she made it to the fence.
    “Why’d you get divorced?” Kade asked, ignoring her question. He’d wanted to know the answer since he’d heard she was no longer married. The man must have been a fool to let her

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